“We’re expectant people always looking forward to what’s next. But this is one area we’re not expectant enough. We see hurt and wronging. The goings-on around us concern us. What we see can discourage us. But if your response is to complain or rant, you’ve missed the point. If it’s worth crying out over, your response should be persistent prayer.” - P&D
A Conservative Case for Pro-Family Policy
“With a Biden administration and a Democrat–controlled Congress, conservatives will need to do plenty of yelling ‘stop!’ in the coming months….However, economic support for families is one area where social conservatives can and should find common ground with Democrats.” - Public Discourse
Engaging #Exvangelical: Three Tips for Church Leaders
By Jacob Bier
In recent years there have been growing fears within evangelical churches concerning the decline of young adult church attendance. Simply put, churches are continuing to see the younger generations walk away from the faith.
Mexican Census: Evangelicals at New High, Catholics at New Low
“Thanks to migration, missions, and Pentecostal flair, Protestants now make up a 10th of the population.” - C.Today
Two Charlies: Darwin vs. Hodge - An imagined interview with Charles Hodge
“Hodge also saw that science low on the ladder of abstraction, based on observing and measuring, is not in conflict with Christian belief—but “science” high on the ladder, with faith in things unseen like macro-evolution, is. Here’s my pretend 1874 interview with Hodge about Darwin. Hodge’s own words form the answers.” - Olasky
Six Types of Churches That Have Died During the Pandemic
“These six types of churches are described categorically, but the categories are not mutually exclusive. Many of these deceased churches fit most, if not all, of the categories. We have spoken with the leadership of these churches. The conversations were sad but enlightening.” - Thom Rainer
On Healthy Minds in Troubled Times, Part 5: Focus
“…we’re not obligated to think about, let alone agree with, any old thought that pops into our heads. We can direct our minds. We can take charge of our thoughts.” - Olinger
Review of Krom's Justice and Charity: An Introduction to Aquinas’s Moral, Economic, and Political Thought
“The reader will learn much to his or her benefit about Aquinas from Krom. Still, I left the book not wholly convinced that a moral, economic, and political philosophy and theology of the virtues can do the work he hopes it can—that of providing practical guidance in and engaging with a confused world.” - Public Discourse
What Is Christian Nationalism?
“An explainer on how the belief differs from other forms of nationalism, patriotism, and Christianity.” - C.Today
How to Be Pro-Life in Joe Biden’s America
“The most effective avenues to preserve life still remain.” - The Dispatch
Is natural law the answer?
When Christians consider whether and how to legislate morality, we’re immediately confronted with the fact we’re actually asking two questions:
"Why creationism bears all the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory"
Why creationism bears all the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory
This is an informative and thought-provoking article that I believe shows that certain notions about conspiracy theories will very likely lead to greater attacks on biblical Christianity in the not-too-distant future.
Supreme Court Lets California Return to Church Indoors
“Justices lift the total ban on indoor worship, though capacity limits and singing restrictions remain.” - C. Today
Israeli Archaeologists Find First Purple Fabric from King David’s Era
“The color purple appears several times in the Bible, usually in a robe draping one of the kings of ancient Israel. But the search for an authentic artifact dyed the royal color from the time of King David has always proved elusive.” - C.Today
JD Greear urges pastors not to call VP Kamala Harris ‘Jezebel,' but to pray for her
“Greear’s guidance comes in the wake of SBC’s pastors, including SBC Executive Committee member Steve Swofford, referring to the vice president by the term.” - C.Post
Related: RNS, Jan 29 - Some Southern Baptist pastors are calling Kamala Harris ‘Jezebel.’ What do they mean?
“At least 20 cities in the Southeast have grown more post-Christian, some of them dramatically”
“In Barna’s ranking of the most post-Christian cities in America, New England and the West Coast predictably dominate the top of the list. But keep scrolling, and you’ll begin to spot some Southern states. Texas, Florida, and North Carolina all have cities in the top 50.” - Lifeway Research
The Why of Modesty
“In his book When People Are Big and God Is Small, Edward T. Welch states that we either worship God, others or ourselves. Since Christ purchased my body on the cross, I am to steward it for His glory.” - Jessica Pigg
In a ‘dark, dark time,’ Biden urges a turn to faith at National Prayer Breakfast
“At the 69th National Prayer Breakfast, President Joe Biden called for those watching online to lean on their faith and see others not as Democrats or Republicans but ‘fellow Americans, fellow human beings.’” - BPNews
A Plea to the PCA on Critical Race Theory
“If you care to read the architects of Critical Theory—Benjamin, Horkheimer, Fromm, Adorno, Marcuse, etc.— you will find that their project was animated in large part by a desire to undermine Christianity and its moral and philosophical norms….How strange, then, that some in the PCA are urging us to employ Critical Race Theory (a species of Critical Theory) as an important lens through which we can better understand God, the Gospel, and humanity.” - Ref21
Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 3)
Read the series.
We have been considering the potential importance of the Great Reset, which has been promised to the world for this year of 2021, and is being discussed this week in virtual meetings for all who care to watch the proceedings unfold.
The Reset is a production of the World Economic Forum, and is backed by many leading figures from around the planet. Its planks include nearly every item that any globalist or climate-change activist could dream of placing on a wish list.
Do Personal (Premarital) Inventory Tests Really Improve Marriages?
Since 1996, I have used Prepare/Enrich personal inventory tests in an attempt to help with premarital counseling. I gave up using them this last year. The reason: they do not seem to make a long-term difference.
If I look at the divorce rate from my pre-testing years, it is no better or worse. Although targeting certain areas where a relationship is weak sounds logical, I wonder if it actually saves either time or energy, especially since it takes a session to take the test.
It makes us feel like we are somehow “in control” and “systematic,” but if we are interested in outcomes, I am not convinced.
“I lived in an alternate universe during 1972 and 1973, so I know ideological addiction.”
“My Communist Party addiction lasted only 16 months, but even then I needed God’s merciful intervention to leave that drug behind. Others, though, may be able to regain a grip on reality by popping their right-wing-media-only or left-wing-media-only bubbles. One way to do this is by deliberately developing a Twitter stream that includes both liberals and conservatives.” - Olasky
The God Who Is There
“Given the cultural challenges facing the church in our day – not only from the outside, but increasingly from within – it is appropriate that we remember some of the keynote truths at the heart of Schaeffer’s work.” - Ref21
“...vocation–not just as a treatment of ‘jobs’ but as a theology of the everyday Christian life–is being rediscovered”
“…vocation–the Latinate word for ‘calling’–involves God Himself working through and by means of human beings to bestow His blessings. Thus, He gives daily bread by means of farmers, millers, and bakers; He creates and cares for new human beings through the vocations… the purpose of every vocation is not self-fulfillment or performing great works for God, but loving and serving one’s neighbor.” - Veith
Joseph's Weeping: 7 Strategically Arranged Scenes in Genesis
“In Genesis 37–50, there are seven scenes where Joseph weeps. As we read about Joseph’s emotions, they also stir our own….In the Bible, the use of seven is part of an author’s literary strategy. We can look more closely to see whether these seven scenes have an even more strategic design.” - TGC
“Pentecostal snake handlers are increasingly calling on doctors for help when they get bitten while handling venomous snakes instead of simply praying that they don’t die.”
“A group of about 125 snake-handling churches across America, including Hamblin’s, believe their practice is supported by the ‘signs’ described in Chapter 16 of the Gospel of Mark, which says, in part, that ‘They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.’” - CPost
From the Archives – Finding Happiness in Difficult Times
We’re a week or so into February, so today’s article has a bit of romance for Valentine’s Day and much application (finding happiness in life) for the other days of the year. I came across this true account from Reader’s Digest:
My cell phone quit as I tried to let my wife know that I was caught in freeway gridlock and would be late for our anniversary dinner. I wrote a message on my laptop asking other motorists to call her, printed it on a portable inkjet and taped it to my rear windshield.
When I finally arrived home, my wife gave me the longest kiss ever. “I really think you love me,” she said. “At least 70 people called and told me so.”