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Solzhenitsyn: Prophet to America - A review of Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West

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“By way of an introduction to the Gulag Archipelago, readers would profit from reading Daniel J. Mahoney’s essay titled ‘Judging Communism and All Its Works’ in the Solzhenitsyn and American Culture collection.” - Acton

Megachurch pastor prayed a curse on “those that have stolen this election”

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“ ‘Father, those that have lied, those that have stolen this election, those that have cheated, I place the curse of God upon them,’ Rev. Bob Rodgers of Evangel World Prayer Center in Louisville, which claims 9,000 members, said in a video clip from the service shared online.” - CPost

Whataboutism Is a Mark of Foolishness

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“The Capitol insurrection was horrifying enough as a spectacle of foolishness and symbol of civilizational decay. But another horrifying exhibit of foolishness has been the reactions to the event on social media. Namely, the widespread deployment of one of the laziest tactics to hit rhetoric since the ad hominem: whataboutism.” - TGC

Sowing and Reaping

SharperIron ⁃

Sermon no. 3109, delivered Lord’s Day evening, August 16, 1874, by C. H. Spurgeon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” –Galatians 6:7

3 Bioethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines

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“The COVID-19 vaccine, so far, has been shown to be 94–95 percent effective, with side effects that go away within a few days. Still, 50 percent of white evangelicals and 59 percent of black Protestants say they won’t get it, while the majority of the US population overall (60%) says they will, according to the latest Pew Research Center survey.” - CToday

Former Executive Committee chair Stone to be nominated for SBC president

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“Stone, a member of the steering council of the recently formed Conservative Baptist Network…. is the second announced nominee for SBC president, joining Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr.” - BPNews

Direction from James Madison

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“I was struck by how well [The Federalist No. 10] anticipated and addressed issues and problems we are having to deal with today: polarization, conflicting ideologies, political involvement of religion, diversity. And his insights also have application to smaller questions, such as whether a president can pardon himself.” - Cranach

Holiness Does Not Mean a Drab Life

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Jonathan Edward: “Holiness is a most beautiful and lovely thing. We drink in strange notions of holiness from our childhood, as if it were a melancholy, morose, sour and unpleasant thing; but there is nothing in it but what is sweet and ravishingly lovely.” - TGC

The Beauty of an “Ordinary” Conversion

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Video: “You don’t need to have had a dramatic conversion experience like the Apostle Paul on the Damascus Road. From his teaching series Assurance of Faith, Joel Beeke reminds us of the wonderful, “ordinary” way in which God brings His people to Christ.” - Ligonier

The Writing of the Two Testaments: A Consideration

Paul Henebury ⁃

An interesting phenomenon in regard to the reading of the Old Testament and the New is the respective chronologies of the authorship of the canons. Whereas the Old Testament was written over a period of approximately 1,300 years – taking Job as the earliest book (c.1750 B.C.) and Malachi as the last book (c. 450 B.C.), the New Testament was written within one average human lifetime. This represents a vast difference which ought to be given more consideration than it has.

The Writing of the OT

If we consider the span of years for the writing of the Old Testament we get something like this (citing representative examples):

The 50 Countries Where It’s Most Dangerous to Follow Jesus in 2021

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“Latest report on Christian persecution finds 3 in 4 martyrs are in Nigeria, ranked among 10 worst persecutors for first time. Sudan finally exits top 10 and India remains, while Mozambique and DRC added to Open Doors watch list.” - CToday

Polish psychic, polarizing televangelist: 7 people who predicted a Trump victory in 2020

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“Here are seven individuals, some of whom have high public profiles, who predicted that Donald Trump would win reelection. They include a Polish psychic, a controversial televangelist, and a self-described prophet.” - CPost

“We’ll continue to live stream even after COVID regulations are lifted.”

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“We probably have three times more people participating now than before,’ said Parsley, who in addition to preaching each Sunday hosts a noon devotional on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.” - BPNews

Is ET Calling Us?

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“SETI experiment suggests non-natural radio signal coming from the vicinity of Proxima Centauri, but seems to be another failed attempt to find alien life” - AiG

Russell Moore: 'If I were a member of Congress, I would vote to impeach' President Trump

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“ ‘This is not about politics. This is about our country, about the rule of law and about the sanctity of human life,’ Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, wrote in a Jan. 11 op-ed posted on his website.” - CPost

Why Pastors Should Lead the Way in Praying for the New President

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“When an administration changes… we have the chance to show a watching world that we remain committed to following the instructions of our Lord through His apostles, regardless of party affiliation or what we had hoped for an election’s outcome.” - F&T

Justice Department: No evidence of antifa involvement in Capitol riot

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“…a prosecutor with the Department of Justice, Ken Kohl, said in a call with reporters Friday that the agency had ‘no indication’ that antifa had any role in the violence. An assistant FBI director said the same. Federal authorities have instead identified and charged several Republicans and longtime Trump rallygoers who in most cases broadcast their actions themselves.” - WORLD

The Fantasy Ideology of the American Insurrectionists

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“For too long many Christian leaders have remained silent, fearing the repercussions of calling out those who are obsessed with political fantasies that are leading them away from Jesus.” - TGC

On Sleep

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“Some years ago I decided to adopt a lifestyle that prioritized getting enough sleep. Decades later, I’m more confident every day that it was the right choice.” - Olinger

When your best members leave the church

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“Most pastors will not be pastoring growing churches. Admit it. We think success is a growing church and failure is a shrinking church. Sometimes those are true. More often not, I believe.” - Thornton

Lifeway Research: Pastors see preaching on race as less welcome than four years ago

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“According to a Lifeway Research study, 74% of pastors agree their congregation would welcome a sermon on racial reconciliation, with 32% strongly agreeing. In 2016, however, 90% of pastors believed their congregation would be open to a sermon on the topic, with 57% strongly agreeing.” - F&T

Let Us Reason Together

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

For those who hoped that our experience of living in times of crisis might end with 2020, I do not need to tell you that your hopes have already been dashed.

We might consider the string of crises that date back to last March as separate events, or we might think of them as one multi-faceted whole. We might also discuss those who appear to have engineered them, manipulated them or benefited from them.

But one thing is for sure: We are living in a time of national crisis, and our way of life has been altered—likely forever—in ways that we could not have imagined 12 months ago.

Abortion clinics have declined in the U.S., but pill providers have increased

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“Operation Rescue released the report Tuesday….finds that the number of surgical abortion clinics in the United States has dropped by over 35% from 713 facilities in 2009 to 458 facilities in 2020.” Clinics providing drug-induced abortions went from 131 facilities in 2009 to 248 facilities in 2020. - CPost

One Baptism or Two? What Are We to Make of the Spirit Baptism in Acts 8?

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“Though Acts 8 doesn’t call this experience ‘Holy Spirit baptism,’ similar passages do. For example, Acts 1:5 refers to the outpouring of the Spirit in Acts 2 as a baptism, and Acts 11:16 does the same for Acts 10.” - TGC

After Binging on the Internet in 2020, We Need a Major Knowledge-Diet Overhaul

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Review of Brett McCracken’s The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World - CToday

Forum: How to Shepherd Your People in Light of the Capitol Riot

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“9Marks asked several pastors how they intend to pray this Sunday to shepherd their congregation in light of Wednesday’s events at the Capitol.” - 9 Marks

Is Biblical Illiteracy the Church’s Biggest Problem?

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“Second, we can strive to use the Sunday school hour fully for Bible teaching. In many adult classes announcements, prayer time, and discussion of community events takes up much of the teaching time. Third, we can emphasize Bible reading plans.” - SBC Voices

The Art of Tacky Preaching?

TylerR ⁃

Steven Mathewson’s work The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative1 is a somewhat helpful but ultimately disappointing book. Curiously, only ch. 3-6 (pp. 43-78) deal with narrative.

The Poverty of the Prosperity Gospel

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“I personally have been ushered out the back door at healing services, after being publicly chastised. Many other disabled people have experienced similar treatment under the assumption that if you’re not healed, it’s your fault. ‘Because God’s will is for everyone to be healed. Always. The faithful will never suffer.’” - C.Leaders