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Brotherly love and the church

TylerR ⁃

Emil Brunner suggests the church catholic is not properly an external institution or organization at all, but “a brotherhood resulting from faith in Christ.”1 He sees the visible church is only the shell or instrument of this brotherhood.2 So, the thinking goes, when we think of “the church,” we shouldn’t think,

Well, in a church you have the pastors, the deacons, and Christians who join the church. And, the whole Church is the collection of these individual churches.

Where are you COVID-wise?

Ed Vasicek ⁃

We are at a crossroads when it comes to COVID, at least in the western world.

Where are you at? Please choose the choice that best describes you.

Poll Results

Where are you COVID-wise?

How to Pastor When Sanctification Becomes Illegal

SI Filings ⁃

Australia’s “Conversion and Suppression Practices Bill criminalizes any prayers or conversations in which one person aims to persuade another that pursuing certain sexual activity is not the best course of action. It’s not only illegal to pray or speak with an individual about changing their sexual orientation or gender identity….the law states that suppression is also illegal. ‘Suppression’ includes prayers for celibacy, and any advice that communicates sexual faithfulness to one’s spouse is a matter of holiness.” - 9 Marks

Terry Mortenson: A Critique of Wayne Grudem's Critique of Theistic Evolution

SI Filings ⁃

“As a co-editor and contributor to Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique (2017), [Grudem] presents many excellent biblical and theological criticisms of theistic evolution. However … I will demonstrate that most of his reasons for rejecting theistic evolution are also reasons that he should reject all old-earth creationist views, including the view of John Lennox that he now favors.” - AiG

“when efforts to limit the supply of abortion have been successful, the impact has been relatively modest”

SI Filings ⁃

“But we can also fight abortion, says French, on the demand side. That is, persuading women not to get abortions. They have the ‘right to choose,’ so we can encourage them to choose life. This tactic is already showing success. The abortion rate…is lower now than it was before it was legalized!” - Veith

The Heartbreaking Contradiction About Our Longing for Significance

SI Filings ⁃

“It is both fascinating and heartbreaking that most people long for significance and at the same time believe they’re nothing more than the product of arbitrary biological mutations” - IFWE

‘You Could Go to Seminary!’

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

“You could go to seminary!”

I will never forget those words from my wife Lynnette—and she won’t either.

They were uttered as we were eating lunch one day in the spring of 1994, watching The Coral Ridge Hour from Dr. D. James Kennedy and Coral Ridge Ministries. The segment at the end of that particular episode highlighted the new Knox Theological Seminary, which Dr. Kennedy had begun and was promoting to his national television audience.

I was ending the second year of my first pastorate, in a small church in a small town in northwest Illinois, and had completed two graduate classes during that school year.

Recovering Our Joy in Ministry

SI Filings ⁃

“I’ve known pastors who communicate that the ministry is a great burden, but they bear it for the Lord’s sake. I’ll agree there are plenty of burdens in the ministry, but we need to recover the joy.” - SBC Voices

Thy Word Is Not a MagLite

SI Filings ⁃

“David’s lamp was sufficient to see a couple of steps ahead, but not much farther than that. It did not illuminate the whole way his feet would have to tread, but only the next few footfalls.” - Challies

Master’s Seminary Pastor Jailed in Canada

SI Filings ⁃

“In November, Canadian health officials began showing up at Grace Life worship gatherings, recording the number of attendees, those who were not wearing masks, and social distancing. This continued each Sunday for about three months.” - Cripplegate

Dear Pandemic-Weary Pastor

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“I find deep encouragement in knowing that God has everything I need. Jesus is the chief shepherd of the church. Ultimately, what the church is or becomes is up to him. He’s in charge.” - TGC

South Carolina passes heartbeat bill

SI Filings ⁃

“Before performing an abortion, doctors will have to do an ultrasound to make sure the baby has no heartbeat yet. The measure will protect all babies with detectable heartbeats except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s life. Court battles will likely tie up the law’s enforcement, but pro-life advocates hope it will end up before the Supreme Court, where a conservative majority could overturn Roe v. Wade.” - WORLD

What We Need to Learn from the Second-Century Apologists

SI Filings ⁃

“The apologists affirmed: Christians are model citizens, respectful to Roman authorities, do good, and are not a threat to the empire. Within living memory of the apostles, these Christians learned well the deposit of apostolic teaching: we are, for example, ‘to show perfect courtesy toward all people’ (Titus 3:2) and to ‘Honor the emperor’ (1 Pet 2:17).” - Wyatt Graham

Can Names Be Blotted out of the Book of Life?

Guest ⁃

By Carl Johnson

Revelation 3:5 records this promise: “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.” One portion of the verse bothers some people; it is “I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life.” Some infer from this statement that names can be blotted out of the Book of Life. The verse does not say that names will be blotted out of the Book of Life. In fact, it says just the opposite: “I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life.”

Pew Research: Churches and religion in Black American life

SI Filings ⁃

“Roughly half of Black Americans say predominantly Black Muslim organizations such as the Nation of Islam (of which Malcolm X was once a member) and the federal government have had at least some impact on Black people’s pursuit of equality… . About eight-in-ten Black Protestants (81%) and Catholics (82%) say that predominantly Black churches have done at least some to help Black people move toward equality.” - Pew

What Do Pastors Believe About the Book of Revelation?

SI Filings ⁃

“What views do U.S. Protestant pastors hold on the millennium described in Revelation 20? 60% premillennialism, 21% amillennialism and 9% postmillennialism” - LifeWay

New York drops push for limits on religious gatherings

SI Filings ⁃

“U.S. District Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto permanently blocked enforcement of the executive order that put houses of worship in zones that limited them to 25 percent capacity with a maximum of 10 people or 33 percent capacity with a maximum of 25 people. Matsumoto made clear that his ruling in favor of the Orthodox Jewish group Agudath Israel of America would apply to all places of worship in the state.” - WORLD

10 Housing Allowance Tips for Ministers: What Ministers and Churches Need to Know

SI Filings ⁃

“When understood and implemented fully, this can be a lifelong tax advantage for all ministers. Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of misunderstanding about how it works. Here are the basics of what you need to know” - C. Leaders

Martin Luther’s Death and Legacy

SI Filings ⁃

“Just before he died [February 18, 1546], Luther preached what would be his last sermon from his deathbed in Eisleben. The ‘sermon’ consisted of simply quoting two texts, one from the Psalms and one from the Gospels. Luther cited Psalm 68:19, ‘Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation.’ Then he cited John 3:16.” - Ligonier

Max Lucado apologizes for past sermon on homosexuality after critics slam National Cathedral invitation

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“I wounded people in ways that were devastating….I should have done better. It grieves me that my words have hurt or been used to hurt the LGBTQ community. I apologize to you and I ask forgiveness of Christ.” - C.Post

Study: Moral Relativism the “Majority Opinion” of Gen Z

SI Filings ⁃

“…ia new study found that ‘moral relativism’ (‘morally right and wrong changes over time, based on society’) is the belief of a whopping 74% of young adults in the US. A majority (65%) also believe ‘many religions can lead to eternal life.’” - AiG

Review of ‘The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog’ by James Sire

SI Filings ⁃

“I first read The Universe Next Door as an undergraduate and new convert in 1977. The book was published in 1976 and was used in an alternative education class at the University of Oregon. I had been reading Francis Schaeffer (1912–1984) and was learning to think philosophically about my newfound faith….That word ‘worldview’ would change my life and the lives of countless others in the 1970s, and we largely have Sire to thank for that.” - TGC

When Paul says that the fruit of the Spirit is goodness what does he mean?

SI Filings ⁃

“Think about the goodness of God that saved us. It was the kindness of God extended to undeserving sinners in their time of greatest need. With that as a model perhaps the fruit of goodness is just that. It is kindness. But more than kindness it is kindness extended to even our enemies.” - Ref21

Brian Houston announces transition from Hillsong Church leadership

SI Filings ⁃

“Citing the denomination’s rapid growth and a desire to make way for younger leadership and a more effective organizational structure, Hillsong Church Global Senior Pastor Brian Houston announced Sunday that he and his wife, Bobbie, have decided to transition away from their leadership role.” - C.Post

Discernment in 2021: It's Probably Harder Than You Think

Aaron Blumer ⁃

Read Part 1.

It seems to be everywhere these days: Christians expressing uncritical belief in random claims and conspiracy theories they’ve heard on social media, mainstream media, and right wing media. This external evidence tells us discernment is a desperate need in our churches and ministries in these times. The internal evidence of Scripture tells us that discernment is always needed—and always hard to develop.

Biden Brings Back White House Faith Partnerships Office

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“President turns to Obama-era leader and his evangelical campaign outreach director to lead agency in efforts to ‘heal, unite, and rebuild.’” - C.Today

Related at RNS: Biden signs executive order reestablishing White House faith office

Relearning who God is: How God’s description of himself upends our expectations

SI Filings ⁃

“Who is God? If we could pick only one passage from the Old Testament to answer that question, it would be hard to improve upon Exodus 34. God is revealing himself to Moses, causing his glory to pass by Moses, whom God has put in a cleft in the rock (33:22).” - WORLD