“How does a pastor decide which songs to introduce? Why one song and not another? Here are a gauntlet of questions I ask when considering a new song for my church.” - TGC
Supreme Court will take up state bans on conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ children, in a Colorado case
“Colorado is among roughly half the states that prohibit the practice of trying to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through counseling.” - RNS
Why an Accountable Reimbursement Arrangement for Church Staff Is So Important
“Absent an accountable reimbursement arrangement, the Internal Revenue Service … views any reimbursed business expenses paid by an employer to an employee as nonaccountable. And this creates taxable income for the employee.” - C.Leaders
A Consideration of New Covenant Passages (Part 1)
Especially among Dispensationalists, the subject of the New covenant creates a bone of contention. Perhaps the majority Dispensationalists hold that the Church has no participatory relationship in the New covenant. Many others believe that the Church does participate in the trickle-down effects of the New covenant, which is still thought to be made with Israel as full parties. Then there are those, myself included, who believe that the Church is made a full party to the New covenant alongside of Israel. Though some variation of these positions exist, these differences are easily seen in the literature.
Russia seriously violates religious freedom in Ukraine, latest report echoes
“Torturing and killing pastors and priests, prosecuting residents for exercising religious freedom, banning worship and entire religious communities, closing churches, prosecuting missionaries and banning Scripture as extremist literature are among the most egregious atrocities Forum 18 cited” - Baptist Press
What Does Genesis Tell Us About the Nature of Man & Government?
“man and human governments are not mere usurpers upon the creation, as some environmental activists assert. Man is the pinnacle and destination of the creation coming from the hand of God.” - IFWE
The Challenge of Orchestrating Global Worship This Side of Heaven
“A 25-hour-long event broadcast last weekend from seven locations around the world, Gather25 is the latest effort to bring together the global church for worship across tribes and tongues.” - CToday
Humility in a Self-Focused World
By Kim Kelly
Turn on your computer, and you will find all the help you need to become a completely self-focused person. You will see titles and headlines such as “Prioritize You! Here’s How to Focus on Yourself,” “How to Focus on Yourself More and Prioritize Your Own Needs,” “8 Easy to Build Healthy Self-Focus Habits,” “Small, But Powerful Steps to Love Yourself.”
The Supremacy of Christ in Repentance: Understanding True Sorrow vs. Worldly Regret
“Peter and Judas. While their lives ran parallel for much of the time we see them with Christ, their responses to sinful failure were vastly different. They both betrayed Christ, but what we see in their responses reveals a core difference between these men.” - P&D
Before You Cut Off Your Parents: 3 Principles to Consider
“In my work as a biblical counselor, I’ve seen some badly behaved parents….While our culture presents cutting off your parents as a viable option for self-care, it isn’t the only option. What does the Bible say about challenging relationships with parents?” - TGC
Southern Baptist Convention leaders address lack of funds for legal bills
“While the SBC collects hundreds of millions in donations each year, very little is spent on overhead or oversight. Now, a series of lawsuits by pastors accused of abuse has left the denomination unable to pay its legal bills.” - RNS
Always Walk into, Not Away from, People’s Grief
“People I knew and loved walked in the other direction. A friend finally dared to approach me with a hug and talk with me. Once the ice was broken, a few others joined. But until that moment, it was like the parting of the Red Sea. They just didn’t know what to say.” - Randy Alcorn
Gideon: Man of Fear
When we first encounter Gideon, the fifth of the 12 leaders of Israel described in the book called Judges, he is definitely a man who is overwhelmed, even dominated, by fear.
Gideon lived during that long stretch of time—more than three centuries—between the days of Joshua, and the launch of the monarchy, which is captured for us in the shadowy book of Judges.
Now, Gideon’s fears were not unfounded. Over the course of seven straight years, the Midianites, Amalekites and other Easterners had swept through Israel at harvest time and taken every shred of their crops, along with their animals, leaving the people of Israel completely desolate.
7 Essential Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics for Understanding Scripture
“Applying sound hermeneutical principles helps believers uncover the true meaning of God’s Word and avoid misinterpretation.” - Church Leaders
Predators, Wolves, and Recognizing Where Abuse Begins in Churches
“There is a difference between a predator and a wolf. A predator may come from anywhere. But the Bible gives a special warning about wolves—namely, church leaders who look the part but are dangerous. Matthew records this warning from Jesus” - Sam Rainer
Totalitarianism in the Shadow of Decadence
“…it is likely that the most important part of Friday’s events has relatively little to do with the ending of that tragic war. The greatest significance of Friday’s events, it seems to me, is that it represents the loudest and most undeniable statement yet of Trump’s fondness for the totalitarian.” - Jake Meador
Brothers, We Are Not Political Pundits
“We can be known for ‘prophetic’ political commentary or we can be known for textually careful, biblically rich, theologically deep, church-focused gospel ministry.” - Kevin DeYoung
Clergy Act Would Give Pastors Second Chance to Join Social Security
“n a move lauded by Evangelical leaders, U.S. legislators have reintroduced the bipartisan Clergy Act. The act offers a way out for clergy experiencing buyer’s remorse after taking advantage of a special exemption in the tax code.” - MinistryWatch
Preaching from Brokenness
“How can we preach when we ourselves are broken? Is it even possible? Why would God allow our service to be made more difficult by soul-wrenching trials?” - 9 Marks
Putin’s Perpetual Political Theater and “The Wizard of the Kremlin”
“Overall, The Wizard of the Kremlin is an excellent read, and I look forward to the movie. The only real criticism I have is that, despite all the many incredible political crimes it reveals, Giuliano da Empoli’s book is, sadly, only all too believable.” - Providence
World Evangelical Alliance launches search for next secretary general
“Eleven months after the resignation of World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Thomas Schirrmacher for health reasons, the global evangelical body announced that the search for its next leader is underway.” - CPost
Southern Baptists pastors plan to bring so-called Law amendment to 2025 Annual Meeting
“Texas pastor Juan Sanchez is urging Southern Baptists to re-visit an amendment at the Annual Meeting this June that addresses the definition of pastor/elder/overseer in the SBC Constitution.” - Baptist Press
Roman Catholic Apologetics Is Surging Online. Intended Audience? Protestants.
“In recent years, several notable Protestant converts to Roman Catholicism have made waves online…. What drives these Christian thinkers to make this jump? Several theories could be explored, but one factor might concern the surprising savvy of online Roman Catholic apologetics, particularly on platforms like YouTube.” - TGC
On Winning the War, Part 3: The Flesh
The second front in our three-front war, according to the common saying, is “the flesh.” The Bible uses this word in a couple of ways, one positive and the other negative. Sometimes the word refers to the sensitive part of us, the tender part, the living part—similarly to the way we use the expression “it cut to the quick.” Twice through the prophet Ezekiel God says, “I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh” (Ezk 11.19; cf Ezk 36.26). That’s a good thing.
Will the New Earth Have Distinct Cultures?
“I interpret ‘every race and nation and language’ literally. God has chosen people in even predominantly pagan nations and reached them by sending men and women or angels, dreams, and visions. What people groups will be worshiping Christ on the New Earth?” - Randy Alcorn
Relying on God, Not America: A Report from the Church in Ukraine
“ ‘As an American, it was sad for me to see President Trump not supporting a country that has freedom and democracy,’ he said. ‘It helps to remember my most important citizenship is in heaven, and I think Ukrainian believers are sensing that more than ever now too.’” - TGC
‘No further revisions to the Seoul Statement,’ Lausanne leaders say
“The statement’s unexpected publication on the first day of the event [last year] and last-minute edits to sections related to homosexuality triggered controversy among participants who felt they did not have any opportunity to shape the document, which would remain as a historic statement from the Congress.” - CPost
IVF regulations a ‘wild, wild west’
“Evangelical ethicists are urging policymakers to tap the brakes on in vitro fertilization (IVF) expansion despite an executive order by President Donald Trump and widespread enthusiasm for the practice.” - Baptist Press