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Should I Talk About My Faith During a Job Interview?

SI Filings ⁃

“Thinking carefully about how we answer questions is not capitulation to compromise or fear. The apostle Paul sometimes positioned himself as a faithful Jew contending for the resurrection when he was before Roman authorities. In other moments he took on skeptical philosophers, using their own literature to evangelize.” - TGC

Protecting Christian Political Theology from the Shibboleth of “Christian Nationalism”

SI Filings ⁃

“In some corners, ‘Christian Nationalism’ is used as a synecdoche to dispense with anything unpopular about Christianity. If one does not like something about Christianity—say, its teaching on sexuality and family relations—just accuse it of self-serving power-seeking, and it can be discredited.” - Public Discourse

“We should be like the Apostle Paul, who... consistently pointed out God’s grace even in deeply flawed local churches.”

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“Of course, our churches do need to grow. They do need to become holier and healthier. Paul knew this. Repentance mattered to him. Just ask the Corinthians. But what first grabbed Paul’s attention when he thought about that rowdy, discriminatory congregation in Corinth? God’s grace (1 Cor. 1:4–9).” - 9 Marks

“... some critics of CT have been incorrect to claim that Christians may never use any ideas that come from outside Scripture”

SI Filings ⁃

“I would like to provide a succinct description and biblical evaluation of CT by addressing four questions: May Christians use systems of thought that do not come from Scripture? What is CT? Is CT compatible with Scripture? Does CT help resolve racism?” - Scott Aniol

Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 1)

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Have you heard about the Great Reset?

Well, you may not have heard of it, but its leaders certainly have an incredibly intricate plan for you and your future.

The Reset has been designed by the World Economic Forum for a number of years, and the term has been used specifically since at least 2017.1 The WEF was also preparing for “a very severe pandemic” since at least October of 2019.2

Abortions practically nonexistent in Missouri

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“As it appears Missouri has become the first state since the Roe v. Wade decision to virtually eliminate abortions, Baptists are celebrating while preparing for more battles ahead.” - BPNews

America's despair problem

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“In 2015… two Princeton economists, Anne Case and Angus Deaton, released a study documenting the frightening rise of “deaths of despair” among white non-college-educated Americans, showing even a decrease of life expectancy driven by alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide.” - N.Review

BJU Today: Q&A about COVID-19 - Is COVID-19 real and is it that serious? Are we not giving in to too much fear as Christians? Can we trust the new vaccines?

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“…for believers to use protective measures is not an indicator of fear but of wisdom. Using an umbrella when it’s raining or a coat when it’s cold doesn’t mean that you do not believe that our Lord can heal pneumonia.” - BJUToday

Litton to be nominated for SBC president

SI Filings ⁃

“Since 1994 Litton has been pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, Ala. – known as North Mobile Baptist Church until 2014…. has also served in numerous roles in SBC denominational leadership, including the Resolutions Committee, Committee on Committees, as president of the SBC Pastors’ Conference and on the boards of various seminaries.” - BPNews

An Illustration of Repentance

SI Filings ⁃

“Some sins are small and easy. We stop and walk the other way. Some sins, like the bicycle, are a little more difficult. … there is the process of coming to a stop, the process of the turn itself, and the process of getting up to speed in faithfulness. But some sins are enormous…. God works patiently with us, carefully slowing us down, as the captain does with the ship…” - Ligonier

Which best describes your view about predestination, election and damnation?

Ed Vasicek ⁃

Election is a divisive issue, and so is damnation.

Are you Arminian on these particular points? Do you tend to believe that groups are elected, but not individuals within those groups?

Do you believe in predestination of the saved (election) and preterition of the lost (they are merely passed over), or do you believe in double election?

Or are you unsettled, or perhaps hold a viewpoint not listed? All comments are welcome, but if you hold another viewpoint, please (very briefly) explain what that might be.

Are COVID-19 vaccines made from aborted babies? What is HEK293?

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“No aborted babies are contained in our COVID-19 vaccines and no babies have been aborted for the purpose of developing or manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines.” - Adrian Warnock

Is dispensationalism to blame for patriotic idolatry?

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“…modern politics needs to be cloaked in religious language in order to carry the necessary gravitas. The end result is that theology becomes the handmaiden of political agendas. In turn, patriotism becomes one and the same with Christianity for so many. Among the multitude of factors that have given rise to this fact in the United States is the combination of American exceptionalism and Dispensationalist theology.” - Ref21

Mary's blessedness is an argument against prosperity theology

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“…this was not the kind of blessing promised by the Prosperity Gospel, the wealth and health and success that many people think of in connection to being blessed.” - Veith

On Living by the Loopholes

SI Filings ⁃

“We’re all for ethics, all for kindness, all for grace, when we’re the potential victim. But when grace is called for from us, we want to live by the loopholes. In this instance, you see, it’s different. No. It’s not.” - Olinger

Why Conspiracy Theories Can’t Be Ignored

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“…we have crossed a line from lone paranoid nuts to larger groups, who are starting to communicate with each other, all with an interconnected belief system.” - Geraghty

Practicing Gratitude: Grateful Heart, Grateful Life

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By Diane Scallon

Did you know that practicing gratitude can rewire your brain? Yes, the brain, this amazing creation of God, can be rewired! Gratitude is a heart change that leads to behavioral change, ultimately improving your physical, mental, and spiritual health and even cultivating a delight for life.

"How Jesus Christ Responded to Conspirators"

RajeshG ⁃

Pastor Mark Minnick preached a very helpful message yesterday morning that provides solid biblical perspective and instruction on how believers should go forward in 2021 after what has transpired in our country in 2020 and 2021:

How Jesus Christ Responded to Conspirators

March for Life Plans Disrupted by DC Security Concerns

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“The annual event is asking participants to ‘stay home’ for the first time since Roe v. Wade.” - CToday

Related: 2021 March for Life moves to virtual event

For the Christian Who Is Afraid to Die

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“James Meikle beautifully tells us in these words. ‘Why so much complaint of death? It is true, death is the fruit of sin, for by sin, death came into the world. But it is also true, that death is the finisher of sin to the godly—for by death sin shall be cast out forever.’” - Challies

In Praise of Plow Horses

SI Filings ⁃

“Race horses run fast, dazzle audiences, win awards, and then retire to stud. A plow horse lives in a barn if he’s lucky and walks the same furrows every day…. Both of them are horses, but they could not be more different in their daily lives. To turn the analogy to pastors…” - SBC Voices

“Liberal Christianity... believes that the faith should always be changing so that it conforms with the dominant spirit and beliefs of the age”

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“Americans may need to get used to this kind of syncretism, which is not at all unusual among United Methodists, other mainline Protestants, and liberal Catholics. Because now that progressives are in political power and evangelicalism is discredited for its alliance with Donald Trump, liberal Christianity might be coming back into vogue.” - Veith

“In The City of God Augustine contended that Christians should never enshrine any earthly ‘city’ or empire or nation-state or polis as God’s country.”

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“…many Christian theologians have come to believe that ‘Americanism’ is the world’s fourth great monotheistic religion. But that religion would be/is idolatrous. America is a great idea; I celebrate it and want to see it thrive. I’m a patriot, but not a nationalist. Christian nationalism in any country is wrong.” - Roger Olsen

Historical abortion fiction

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“Pro-abortionists claim abortifacients were legal centuries ago. The historical record proves otherwise” - WORLD

January 6, 2021: Lessons Learned?

Aaron Blumer ⁃

Even at our best, we humans often botch the job of identifying what’s true and right. The important thing is to recognize what went wrong, learn the lessons, and aim to do better.

If I could gather every American who self-identifies as conservative and deliver one message to them right now, that would probably be the bottom line: Face the facts of January 6 and start identifying how to do better and be better.

Facing Up

There’s much we still don’t know about what went wrong leading up to, and on, January 6, 2021. But many points are already known. Here’s a baker’s dozen.

Herman Bavinck’s Balancing Act, and Ours

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“As a new biography shows, the Dutch Reformed theologian was adept at navigating perennial tensions of Christ and culture.” - CToday

On Sloth

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“Since my previous post was on doing less and thereby getting enough sleep, I suppose I should balance it to keep folks out of the ditch on the other side of the road.” - Olinger

Does Our Theology of Work Include Rest and Recreation?

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“A part of recreation is rest. God demonstrates a pattern of rest at the end of the creation account, when he ‘rested from all his work that he had done in creation’ (Gen. 2:3). The God who does not tire stopped and rested.” - IFWE