Sparked by pandemic fallout, homeschooling surges across US


“Although the pandemic disrupted family life across the U.S. since taking hold in spring 2020, some parents are grateful for one consequence: They’re now opting to homeschool their children, even as schools plan to resume in-person classes.” - AP/RNS


Five Psalms to Pray When the Wicked Prosper


“Prayer doesn’t usually change our situation immediately, but it changes us. We grow in trust of our sovereign God, and take refuge that ‘the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment’ (2 Peter 2:9).” - K. Halloran


What Ever Happened to Repentance?


“As I’ve walked through the meaning of repentance in my own spiritual walk, the Puritans have been helpful in clarifying the meaning of the word repentance. In particular, Thomas Watson’s work entitled The Doctrine of Repentance” - Tim McKnight


The Secret of Gentle Confrontation


“…it is imperative that we have gentleness as we confront. Too many times, especially in our circle, we can be rough with the truth. We can come too strong and our tact in the counseling room can be terrible.” - CLeaders


Question & Ethics: How do I respond to a combative person?


“we must be careful as we are confronting a person who thrives on conflict not to become the same type of person. Because we have a sense of the Judgement Day, and the fact that justice will eventually be done, we are freed from our need to seek judgement in the present age” - Russell Moore


BJU Unanimously Approved as SCICU Member


BJU “was unanimously approved as a member of the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) by the Board of Trustees Tuesday, July 21, 2021.
