With the Lord: Dr. Panosian


“This weekend a great man and spiritual mentor passed to glory. In tribute, I recall a past post about how he changed my life.” - Olinger

Related: Obituary


Is all work equal? Yes and No


“There is work that neither lasts long nor matters much. How important is it to sell lottery tickets? Cotton candy? Promotional T-shirts that can’t survive two journeys through a washing machine? It is unpopular but necessary to say it, but all work is not equal in every way.” - Ref21


Choosing to live joyfully is a discipline


“Many of these situations are completely out of our control. Yet our perspective, the way we choose to approach or react to them, is up to us. Will we focus on the bad news, health and financial challenges, political unrest and other difficulties we are surrounded by?” - Sally Clarkson


Lovers of Truth in an Age of Nonsense


“…many Christians have blasted past rightful skepticism into nonsensical fear-mongering. They assume the worst of others, and they see conspiracies and evil under every bush.” - P&D


How Simone Biles Helps Us Understand Eric Liddell

By Jordan Standridge, reposted from The Cripplegate.

How many takes have you seen about Simone Biles and her decision to drop out of several events at the Olympics?

Everyone seems to have an opinion.

There are people that are angry at her. There are people that are thankful for her. There are people calling for more discussions about mental health. There are people blaming the horrid sexual abuse she experienced at the hands of Nassar. It seems like everyone is talking about it.


“Last night I experienced a first on social media. A person claiming to follow Jesus Christ questioned my salvation.”


“It doesn’t bother me that someone who doesn’t know me would make such a ridiculous claim regarding my faith. The incident, however, did make me think of how many times Christians have hurt the cause of Christ on social media. …Allow me to suggest a few tips that might be helpful for ministering effectively online:” - Tim McKnight


The Meaning of Death: A Funeral Meditation

The most prominent reality at a funeral is also at the same time the most difficult subject to discuss. That reality, of course, is the subject of death. As one man has noted, “Death is the one experience that will be shared in common by every person …. Every moment we live, the sand in the hourglass of our existence continues to flow, bringing our final end ever near.”1 And yet, despite the “commonness” of death, most people prefer not to talk about it. There seems to be a kind of natural aversion to death.


Peace of Mind in a Rapidly Changing World


“Working in a fast-moving world can cause great anxiety if our sense of security is found in the wrong places. Markets change, governments rise and fall, and this instability can bring discouragement if our highest hope is placed in these institutions.” - TIFWE
