Chuck Colson on Radical Gratitude


“…counting our blessings and conjuring an attitude of to-whom-it-may-concern gratitude, Pollyanna-style is not enough. What do we do when cancer strikes — I have two children battling it right now [2005]— or when loved ones die, when we find ourselves in the midst of brokenness and real suffering? That … is where gratitude gets radical.” - Breakpoint


On Vaccine Hesitancy


“If there are to be tradeoffs, isn’t it morally better, at least from Luther’s neighbor-centered ethic, for you to die than for you to cause someone else to die?


We Are Never Without Beauty


“…as we live with opened eyes, we will see that we are most truly never without beauty, if only we will accept its fleeting nature, if only we will cease lamenting the past and look to the present.” - Challies


Silence is golden…or is it?


“Silence is often a way out. Silence is a way to neglect our responsibilities as a mentor or boss. Silence is an excuse not to fulfill what Scripture says about the older teaching the younger….The opposite is also true…. So how do we know when we should or should not respond?” - Treg Spicer


Do Everything Without Complaining


“The fallen tendency to grumble does harm to everyone and everything it touches – families, schools, businesses, churches.” - P&D
