A Biblical Theology of Pleasure


“God invented taste buds, and 10 million different flavors to go with them. The incredible pleasure of taste bears witness both that God is and that he is good (Acts 14:17).” - TGC


Liberty’s Former Diversity Officer Sues for $8M


“In a complaint filed Friday in federal court for the Western District of Virginia, Kelvin Edwards, a former executive vice president of management efficiencies and diversity, alleges that he was fired because Liberty’s acting president, Jerry Prevo, does not value diversity.” - C.Today


On Abundance, Part 1: Needs and Wants


“I have all I need, as well as a lot of stuff I don’t need. There’s a word in the Bible that embraces this concept. It’s the word abundance.” - Olinger


Does Your Prayer Life Need to Change?

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.

I would guess that almost every Christians reading this sentence would like to have a deeper prayer life.

As we read God’s Word, we see that prayer is a crucial part of our Christian experience. It is not simply an event that we participate in, an exercise we accomplish, or a task we fulfill. Rather, prayer is humility before God. It is an expression of our faith in Him and in the veracity of His promises.
