Why Harvard’s Atheist Chaplain Matters Less, and More, than You Think


“Does this mean that Epstein has just been hired for a new job as Harvard’s atheist chaplain? Has he become Harvard’s ‘chief chaplain’? Does this mean that he now ‘leads’ and is “in charge of” Harvard’s other chaplains? Did these other chaplains decide that they ‘couldn’t think of anyone better’ for spiritual chaplaincy at the university? Is this a big, new change for campus ministry at Harvard?


“People are so quick to pull that religious liberty card”


“Evangelical ethicists and legal scholars agree that many followers of Christ object to the COVID-19 vaccines, but they’re split on whether any of the objections commonly articulated among believers constitute religious objections.


Darwinian Evolution is Running out of Time


“The theory of intelligent design is often dismissed as religion pretending to be science. Critics argue that the theory doesn’t make any predictions or contribute to our knowledge of the natural world, and plus, it’s not taken seriously in any peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Are vaccine and mask requirements religious liberty issues?


“If you are part of, say, an offshoot of Christian Science that thinks any medical treatment is a lack of faith in God, you may have a legitimate religious liberty claim, showing what your religion teaches and how you cannot carry out your faith in such circumstances.


Getting High Is (Increasingly) Lawful. Is It Ever Beneficial?


“…after marijuana was legalized in Washington State, one of our congregants asked, ‘Is marijuana okay?’ We realized at that point that the typical answer—’No, it’s against the law’—would no longer suffice.” - C.Today


The World Is Catechizing Us Whether We Realize It or Not


“… David Well’s famous definition: worldliness is whatever makes righteousness look strange and sin look normal. Here’s the reality facing every Christian in the West: the money, power, and prestige of the mainstream media, big time sports, big business, big tech, and almost all the institutions of education and entertainment are invested in making sin look normal.


The Cracks in Our Debates: Lessons from Lewis on Disagreement


“In the essay, Lewis does eventually explain the reasoning behind his position. Before he does, however, he spends the first part of the essay explaining what moral reasoning is and how it works. In other words, he puts on a Moral Reasoning Clinic” - DesiringGod


What Do the Psalms Have to Say About Work?


“Previously, I shared some observations about work from several of the minor prophets. Today, I thought it might be helpful to provide a brief summary of some of the observations about work from the Psalms that I have compiled in my book, Immanuel Labor – God’s Presence in our Profession.” - Russ Gehrlein
