3 Ways Parents Can Help Kids Navigate Transgender Ideology


“It’s the age of awkward elbows. Growth spurts. Acne. Body-image distortions. Hushed whispers at the lockers you’re convinced are about you….But today’s young people face a new challenge on top of all the regular stuff: the ubiquity of transgender ideology.” - TGC


The Blessing of Rest


“…you don’t have to have a Jewish grandmother to gain an appreciation for God’s gift of the Sabbath. All you need is a willingness to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, God has written down what we need for genuine human flourishing and built it into the actual fabric of the created order.” - Breakpoint


The Enduring Lesson of the Galileo Myth


“Galileo’s biggest mistake was to move the fight out of the realm of science and into the field of biblical interpretation. In a fit of hubris, he wrote the Letter to Castelli in order to explain how his theory was not incompatible with proper biblical exegesis.


Supremes and Supremacy


“Can you say that Christ is supreme in your life? Is He the preeminent one in your life? Is He your authority? Or are you?” - P&D


Help Wanted – the vanishing work ethic


“My thoughts about this man and his work are now entirely different. He didn’t waste his life at all. I have great respect for what this man did.” - P&D


How Should I Address My Transgender Colleague?


“I work in a secular workplace, and my new colleague is transgender. When I was introduced to him and found out that he wants to be addressed by a female name and pronouns, I was caught off-guard… How can I speak to him and work with him in a loving way without compromising my Christian convictions?” - TGC
