To Renew Culture, Give Up Control


“social media, newsletters, podcasts, YouTube, and more have given consumers the ability to curate their information sources to their exact ideological preferences. And yet, many people report lower trust in the information they get.” - The Dispatch


Is Purity Culture to Blame?


“ ‘Purity culture’ arose in the 1990s as an evangelical reaction to a broader culture that, in more ways than ever, embraced sexual freedom…. Church leaders responded by promoting virginity before marriage, as the church always has, adding in tactics of pledges, purity rings, and dances with their dads.” - Breakpoint


Excellence in Conservative Christian Music Begins in the Home


“First, Christian parents should play and learn to appreciate ‘classical music’ in their homes on a regular basis…. Second, Christian parents should seek to provide classical musical training to their children in the form of music lessons if possible.” - P&D


Retirement: Production or Consumption (or Both)?


“In retirement, consumption is highlighted and justified. We’re told that our consumption gives people work, and therefore is healthy for the economy, for workers, and for us. This makes sense.” - IFWE
