Remembering 9/11: The Most Hopeful People


Podcast: “In the second episode of the Remembering 9/11 series, Sarah Zylstra tells the rest of Christina and Brian Stanton’s story—a return to an apartment littered with scraps of World Trade Center papers, an attempt to cope on their own, and an encounter with a church called Redeemer Presbyterian.” - TGC


What Biblical Love Looks Like at Work


“This is the second article in a series on applying the fruit of the Spirit in the workplace, and our topic today is the relationship between love (the first characteristic mentioned in the fruit of the Spirit) and work.” - IFWE


Twenty Years Later


“It’s hard to believe that this year’s freshman class doesn’t remember anything about 9/11. Those arriving at college in the past few weeks were three or four when the Towers fell.” - Kevin DeYoung


From the Archives – Why Christians Must Be to Loyal to Truth, Not Tribe

(Posted in July of 2020)

My thoughts below predate COVID-19, masks, hydroxychloroquine, or churches defying public health emergency orders. Last fall, different controversies were exposing problems in how believers evaluate conflicting claims and decide what to believe.

But those problems are still with us, and the current raft of controversies is exposing them even more painfully.


On Labor Day: Christianity’s Unique Vision of Work


“One of Christianity’s greatest strengths is its explanatory power. Christianity can explain the human experience and the human condition far better than any other worldview. …It’s especially true when it comes to explaining human activity and ability, such as artistry, athleticism, and work.” - Breakpoint


Our Theology of Prayer Matters More than Our Feelings


“I relished reading about prayer, talking about prayer, trying different kinds of prayer, and encouraging others in their lives of prayer. And most of all, I loved the sweet intimacy of prayer itself …. And then one day, without warning, reason, or explanation, that sense of sweet intimacy was gone.
