Lenten Hymns from Isaac Watts


“The season of anticipation begins with the Ash Wednesday proclamation, ‘Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.’ In a world desperate to avoid reminders of mortality, nothing could sound stranger.” - Breakpoint


Work Well in an LGBT+ Environment


“Being a loving, uncompromising, and effective witness calls for courage and wisdom. Here are six suggestions to help you navigate these turbulent waters.” - TGC


What to Do When an Idiot Takes Over


“Whether you want to admit it or not, most of us have had an idiot take over the department, studio, team, or project at some point. So what do you do? How do you survive?” - Phil Cooke


Are Christians supposed to be happy?


“some Christians, in the name of moral obligation, wear frowns, dutifully living a paint-by-the-numbers religious existence, and proudly refraining from what ‘lesser’ people do to be happy. They seem to wear their displeasure as a badge of honor.” - Randy Alcorn


Are You Relying on the Spirit or a Hunch?


“We must use caution when we sense that ‘holy hunch.’ Is it from the Holy Spirit, our gut, or, worst of all, the Enemy who seeks to deceive us (Rev. 12:9)” - TGC


Without Faith

During my time as a student at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, I learned that there was an old youth pastors’ joke, built on a misuse of Heb. 11:6. The verse states:

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


The Bible – Puzzle or Telescope (Part 2)

Bible as a Telescope

At the back of all this is this question—what is a relationship with God about? There is a continuum, with “love” and “knowledge” at opposite poles. A ditch lies at either end—God is either Jello or an iceman. Both poles are important (it is kind of important to know about God, after all!), but you will likely tend towards one over the other—Carl Henry certainly did.


Should Christians Be Snarky on Social Media?


“I’m as guilty as anybody, but in almost every case, I immediately feel badly about it. I may feel great for a moment, but the minute I hit ‘Send,’ conviction starts creeping in.” - Phil Cooke
