Leave the Throne of Guilt: Three Better Reasons to Pray


“Calloused knees. Prayer closet. Answered prayers. Prayer warrior. These four phrases don’t exactly trigger me with spiritual PTSD, but they do represent markers in my journey of moving from prayer-guilt into the grace of praying.” - Desiring God


The Bible – Puzzle or Telescope? (Part 1)

We need to read our bibles. God wants us to read our bibles—it is the story of Him revealing hidden things to us we would otherwise never know! Fair enough. But I first want to ask an important question—what is the best way to think of the Scriptures?


“I Prayed about It”


“They asked him, ‘Lord, shall we strike with the sword?’ [Luke 22:39-53] Is it time to fight, Lord? … This is, in essence, a prayer.” - SBC Voices


Which of the following is the hardest doctrine for new believers or less committed Christians to accept?

I believe a lot of things I would rather not believe. There are things about God I do not particularly like, but I realize the problem is mine. The God of the Bible and the teachings of the Word can be offensive or painful to embrace. Which is the hardest? Yours might not be on the list, so please choose from the list but then feel free to comment.

The question relates not to the world at large, but young, new, or less mature believers. This is obviously based upon your experiences and observations, and is about the situaiton in the now, not the past.


Rinse, Repeat: Should Believers Be Dunked Again?


“When we question the legitimacy of our baptism experiences, we are essentially wondering whether we have crossed this boundary. Do we belong to the family of God?” - CToday


How Our Prayers Reveal Our Theology


“Christ didn’t tell these two stories [Luke 11:5-8, 18:2] to imply that we need to approach God with the same request repeatedly before he complies.” - Word by Word


Rest Takes Work


“My planning had gone as far as to block the time off but not as far as to figure out what I would do instead. I freed up a solid 40 hours between 9 and 5, but didn’t put anything in its place.” - Challies


How Should I Dispose of a Bible?


“… question from a reader: How do you dispose of a worn-out Bible? Is there a protocol, like with a flag?” - TGC


It’s 2023 and We Need Blogs More Than Ever


“blogging allows us to control our own platform. Over the past few years we have come to realize the downsides of doing our writing on platforms owned and controlled by others in what has simply become a new form of ideological gatekeeping.” - Challies


About Those “Angel Numbers”


“…you fill up your car with gas and it comes to exactly $77.77. Some would see such things as completely random, but to others, the repeating numeric sequences are known as ‘angel numbers’ and are filled with meaning and significance as signs of ‘confirmation’ and ‘directionality.’” - Church & Culture
