Do you believe Christian romance novels are appropriate?

Women are more likely to have interest in romance novels than men, although some men do enjoy the genre. A few years back, someone donated a bunch of Christian romance novels for the fiction section of our church library, and we received them and cataloged them. There were, however, some who (years) later objected.


Stewarding Our Mind: How Should We Use Our Free Time?


“It is necessary that we take time to rest and enjoy healthy entertainment, but a problem arises if mindless entertainment controls the majority of the only eight hours of the day we have control over.” - IFWE


What to Say When You Don’t Have the Full Story


“Frequently in the church and maybe especially in ministry, we’re told about a challenging situation and invited to make a response. And often we know only one small part of the whole story.” - TGC


On Thinking Like Christ, Part 2: Moving to the Dump


“Does it bother you when you’re rejected by people you care about? How much did it bother Jesus when he came to his own, and his own rejected him (Jn 1.11)? when a disciple of three years betrayed him with a kiss? when his own brothers didn’t believe in him (Jn 7.5)?” - Olinger


Five ways to think about your 2023 goals


“Memorize at least two scriptures per month. I wish I didn’t view this goal as a unique one, but I recognize the struggle with this discipline.” - BPNews


An Honest Evaluation of a Year

If I had it to do over again….

How many times have we thought that way? If you’re like me, probably more than you would like to count.

If we had it to do over again—with an assurance that we’d do at least as well as we did—what efficient and artful users of time we could become!

Unfortunately, we all know it doesn’t work that way. We are forced to use time … in real time. Moses’ prayer, therefore, carries for us the utmost urgency:
