Don’t Be True to Yourself


“I’d like to offer different advice: ‘Do not follow your dreams. Do not march to the beat of your own drummer. And whatever you do, do not be true to yourself.’ If you think I’m being a little hyperbolic, you’re right.” - Kevin DeYoung


On Fun, Part 2: Choosing Good Fun

Read Part 1.

If fun is good, but not all fun is good, then we ought to choose our fun thoughtfully and wisely. Fun ought to be to our benefit, not a means of our destruction.

So how do we choose? Can we just choose what we like?

Likes are important. There’s no sense in seeking relaxation in things you don’t like; if this is about pleasure and rest, then that’s obvious.


Church and State – A Sketch in Five Acts (Intro)

This essay aims to help ordinary Christians rightly consider the relationship between the church and the state. This is important because Christians receive many contradictory messages about this issue. Some Christian influencers call for believers to “take America back for God.” Others just want good, old-fashioned Christian values to influence society and feel marginalized because Mayberry is gone and isn’t coming back. Still others just want nothing to do with politics—perhaps to the extent that their churches neglect to speak truth to a decadent culture.


How God Awakens the Conscience


“How can a person who has betrayed trust, lied, broken promises, and deceived even their own loved ones come to share in the blessing of God? Hope begins for these brothers… when God awakens the conscience” - Colin Smith


Potential Dangers of ‘Applying Scripture to My Life’


“Faulty Assumptions…Assumption #1: I should start with me and my questions….Assumption #2: The Bible is (primarily) a collection of principles….Assumption #3: The goal of reading the Bible is improving my life.” - TGC


I’m still learning from my Mom


“…my mom said people are more likely to listen to those who don’t talk all the time. Because she didn’t, I have lessons from her I’ll never forget.” - BPNews


On Fun, Part 1: Fun Is Good

I’d like to take a few posts to talk seriously about fun.

Seriously. About fun.

A few years back I did some thinking about the topic, thinking that eventuated in a chapel sermon at BJU on March 19, 2008. These days it seems helpful to run those ideas around the block again.

My first thought about fun is the title of this post.

Fun is good.


This Is a Good Time to Be Thankful

I doubt that thankfulness is the first thing most conservative Christians feel these days when they reflect on American culture. There are some good reasons for that! I get it. Much is changing. Much more has already changed but is now becoming evident in more ways.

Many of the changes we’re seeing have to do with aspects of life we’re deeply sensitive about—like sexual ethics, marriage, and family. Visceral reactions are, if unhelpful, at least understandable.

There’s a lot of outrage and fear.


Ten Diagnostic Questions for the Potential Ideologue


“1. Do you present opposing viewpoints in ways that your opponent would agree with?… 2. Do you resort to personal attacks…3. Are you able to assume the best about someone else’s approach even if you disagree with their conclusions?” - 9 Marks
