All, Every, and Not One


“One day it will be said of all those who are his that God was faithful to his every word and true to his every promise.” - Challies


How Culminating Moments Make Work Worthwhile


“we have seen literal textbook examples of how the culminating moments will follow prolonged periods, and possibly even a lifetime, of work.” - IFWE


Please, Don't Get Mad at God


“In a recent article… Scott Sauls argues that it is appropriate to be angry at God when Christians are visited by calamitous acts…. This is a time for grief, but grief coupled with hope, not anger as Saul advocates.” - Ref21


Should Christians Desire to Be Happy?


“Ignatius of Antioch…wrote a letter beginning with these words: ‘To the Church which is at Ephesus … deservedly most happy… . Abundant happiness through Jesus Christ, and His undefiled joy.’” - Randy Alcorn


Radical Christian Gentleness in an Era of Addictive Outrage


“In a striking, but too often neglected, passage in Religious Affections, Edwards insists an essential trait of any true Christian is ‘the lamblike, dovelike spirit and temper of Jesus Christ.’ He presents this point as nothing less than a fundamental of the faith.” - TGC


Why We Shouldn’t Gloat When Leaders Fall


“there’s a difference between gloating, that is, rejoicing at the misfortune of others, and rejoicing at God overcoming evil.” - TGC


Growing Number of Christians Obtaining Payday Loans


Lifeway study for Faith for Just Lending: “More than 3 in 4 believe it is a sin to loan money in a way that the lender gains by harming the borrower….Still, 1 in 3 have obtained a payday loan themselves, and a growing number see such loans as helpful.” - Lifeway


On Reading Widely: Are You Stuck on One Shelf?


“Root your thinking in the Word of God first, but be informed about the world around you. Resist being spoon fed by others. Do your own reading and research to form your own opinions. Read from original sources.” - P&D
