Taking Advantage or Caring?

(First posted in 2011)

Aesop told the tale of the Peasant and the Apple Tree.


Salvation: So Much More Than Accepting a Good Offer


“If I had never heard other people talk about ‘accepting Jesus,’ I doubt I would have come up with the phrase on my own. Brides don’t talk about their husbands that way, and I am part of the Bride of Christ!” - Open the Bible


Easy Schedule for Bible-in-a-Year Rookies


“This plan, like other two-track schedules, provides two daily portions taken from different parts of the Bible. That has the effect of spicing things up.” - TGC


Opening Christmas presents - before or after church?

I figure most people here on SI are planning on attending a church service Christmas morning, so I was curious how people are planning the timing of opening gifts. My children are all grown and live within an hour, so we are having our get-together on Sunday afternoon. One daughter and her 1-year-old son live with me, but the grandchild is too young to anticipate the opening of gifts, so we have no problem making him wait.


How Not to Gossip During the Holidays


“What started as a lighthearted recounting of experience may turn into a critical review of someone’s motives and actions…. There can be a fine line between storytelling and gossip.” - TGC


Christmas Charity Gone Bad

DD didn’t even know which Grand Rapids charity or church it was. He only knew that they brought gifts to his house every Christmas. As his mother invited the strangers delivering the toys into her house, she thanked them with many hugs and tears. Then, while the toy deliverers were present, she placed the gifts under the tree. The volunteers left the house thinking they had fulfilled the hopes and dreams of another needy family at Christmas when their generosity and kindness had actually contributed to a recurring nightmare.


What Am I Eager For?

Christian living isn’t just having your heart in the right place, but it isn’t less than that. Given that our hearts are “prone to wander,” as the song says, we need multiple ways to conduct “heart checks” on ourselves.

One self-diagnostic is to examine what we’re eager for.

When I was a kid, I looked forward to Christmas every year with great eagerness. It was an accurate reflection of where my heart was!
