What to say after tragedy


“So many people I love in Nashville today are without strength. The pastor’s wife at Covenant Presbyterian who once shared a weekly prayer group with my wife, now going home to face and empty room, a gaping hole in their family portrait.” - Daniel Darling



Dismantling the Rising Sacred-Secular Divide


“’Raise your hand if you’re going into full-time ministry…. You all should be raising your hands.’ He was charging the business majors, biology majors, communications, and education majors, among others, to view their future work—whatever it was to be—as ministry” - IFWE


What Is Anger?


“Anger says, ‘That is wrong.’ It is a judgment, and judgment is intrinsic to our humanity. Human beings are incapable of not making judgments…. Anger says, ‘I will make that right.’ Anger is compelled to do something” - Ed Welch


On Schadenfreude and Freudenfreude


“…schadenfreude is a sin of the spirit, and freudenfreude is a fruit of the Spirit. Schadenfreude is rooted in envy, one of the darkest of the seven deadly sins.” - James Emery White


Assumptions Affect Interactions


“Pre-judging like this causes a lot of damage in relationships, churches, and ministries. Instead of approaching disagreements as matters worthy of sincere effort to understand and apply the Scriptures, motives and actions are judged harshly.” - Dave Doran


Weaker Assertion → Stronger Argument


“If ordinary humility challenges us to take a reasonable and balanced view of who or what we are, epistemic humility asks us to do the same with respect to what we know. This is important since no good comes from overstating the evidence.” - TGC
