The Onion fools the NYT with fake Obama Tiger Beat cover

Today The New York Times admitted they made the mistake of treating a fake creation from The Onion as something legitimate. Last week the Times printed an article documenting the history of the squeaky-clean teen magazine Tiger Beat, and included a retrospective of past magazine covers.


Dealing with Abuse/Molestation properly

A friend of mine today said to me “Today, Babylon is judging Israel. The world is judging Christians on how we handle abuse.” NOTE: My friend is a dispensationalist, and was speaking figuratively, but I believe it is an apt metaphor. The proper response is for Israel to self-analyze, repent, and correct.

So, what can we do to correct? Let’s discuss how churches should deal with child abuse/molestation accusations/incidents.

I’m going to start with an outline of basic steps. Feel free to edit/add/replace or fill in sub-points.


Was Tina Anderson at Fault? A Biblical/Cultural Analysis

Was Tina Anderson at fault? A Biblical/Cultural Analysis

My purpose in starting this thread is to address a critical issue. The matter of Tina Anderson, Chuck Phelps, et al., has provoked several threads, lengthy discussions, and of course, a 20/20 broadcast. It is NOT my intent in this post to question Pastor Phelps’ judgment (though that is an unavoidable side-effect of this post), but rather to use the debate his judgment has provoked as a jumping-off point.


Are you an IFB?

If I asked Kevin Bauder, (whom I respect and appreciate) this question I assume he would answer “yes”.

If I asked Jack Schaap, (whom I detest and consider a reprobate) he would say “yes”. (And then tell the joke: “You know what I’d be if I weren’t a Baptist? Ashamed.” And everyone would laugh like they were hearing in for the first time.)

If i asked Elizabeth Vargas if she thought that both Dr. Bauder and Mr. Schaap were IFB, she would probably say “yes”.


When is it abuse?

The discussion over the Elizabeth Vargas piece on Pastor Phelps and IFB churches has gotten me to wonder if there is anything substantive on the area of abuse, particularly in regards to age. We deal in a society with differing views on adults and minors, on people who are seventeen years eleven months and one month later when they turn eighteen. While I think the age of consent in lower in some states, there are examples of this viewpoint causing problems.


3 Kinds of Believers

( I think this is where it goes)

I believe there are three “types” of believers.

Many believers are those who are just that. Believers. They struggle daily with assurance of their salvation. They don’t study the Word. They don’t pray. They aren’t separated from the world. They show up on Sunday. They might show up 3 times a week. They are Believers…but seriously lack discipleship and commitment to Christ.


Recipe: Pizza Soup

I found this recipe and of course it is pizza season (wait that’s all year) and for those of you who want to watch intake the bread here is something to consider:

pizza soup

serves 4

1 jar (14 oz) pizza sauce

3 jars of water

1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped

1/2 red onion, chopped

1 can diced tomatoes, drained

8 oz. ground italian sausage, browned

1 cup sliced pepperoni, sliced into quarters

1/2 tablespoon dried basil

1 tablespoon dried oregano

1/2 - 1 cup dried pasta (i used rotini)
