An Open Letter to Praise Bands
Professor James Smith of Calvin College posted an… open letter to praise bands and a… postscript .
In particular, my concern is that we, the church, have unwittingly encouraged you to simply import musical practices into
Big Brother and Home Schooling
Normally, an Alberta Clipper is the worst thing to come out of Canada. However, now something far more chilling and destructive has happened:, 2/23/12 – “Under Alberta’s new Education Act, homeschoolers and faith-based schools will not be permitted to teach that homosexual acts are sinful as part of their academic program, says the spokesperson for Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk.
Recent Hollywood converts to Islam
Movie director Oliver Stone’s son became a Muslim. They changed his name to Ali Stone. Buckwheat also converted. His name was changed to Kareema Wheat. :)
Christian Cinema
A little over 6 years ago Sharper Iron “became famous” with the discussions concerning “End of the Spear”. Recently the Kendrick brothers have surprised many as “Courageous” joined “Facing the Giants” and “Fireproof” as films that have had an impact on the evangelical community.
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
Apple iBooks Textbooks- a chicken/egg dilemma…: From TIME Techland :
There’s no denying that interactive, digital textbooks are the future, but let’s not get too excited about Apple’s particular solution just yet…
Tim Tebow: Passing Out Truth
NFL QB Tim Tebow and his Denver Broncos upset the league’s best defensive team Sunday, the Steelers, 29-23. God seems to be blessing his faithful witness. After the game Tim thanked his Lord and Savior for His role in the win. With all the worldly talk I appreciate this bold, godly, role model for younger athletes and all believers.
Do you think this will embolden other athletes and believers to speak out?
Is there a message for us in this?
Do you think this will embolden other athletes and believers to speak out?
Is there a message for us in this?
Does a healthy man's consistent use of welfare dollars violate I Timothy 5:8 or fulfill it?
I am aware of a situation that a ministry leadership group is trying to work through, and this question is at the crux of the decision making process. If a man (I’ll even be more specific—someone in a full-time itinerate ministry, no health issues that keep him from working) regularly uses welfare because his “ministry” is not providing for his family, is he in violation of the warning in I Timothy 5:8? If so, what should be his church family’s response? Is this a Matthew 18 situation? Is everyone who could work, but instead takes welfare, in violation of this principle in I Timothy 5:8?
Chuck Phelps back on Board at BJU
This surprised me. Chuck Phelps’ name is listed as part of the board at BJU in the 2011 Seminary bulletin. It seems like fundamentalism is growing in its awareness of the problem of sexual abuse in its circles. Yet, Phelps has never articulated any repentance or regret for how he personally handled the situation between rapist and underage teenage rape victim in his church. I know that the standard “above reproach” is subjective at best. Yet, whatever that term means, Chuck Phelps could hardly be “above reproach” on this issue. Does this concern anyone else?
You may be in the doghouse if your dog is a blacklisted breed Homeowner’s insurance and renter’s insurance policies typically cover your liability if your dog bites or attacks someone at your home or apartment. Most standard policies provide $100,000 to $300,000 in coverage.