Gratuities for caterers?

I know some of you must have experience working with caterers for the occasional church function. We use a caterer for our annual ladies’ luncheon so that the ladies can just come and enjoy. One aspect I have always been confused about it whether to add a gratuity to the caterer’s charges. I’ve searched etiquette rules and have come up with mixed responses: some say yes, some say no. I want to be a good testimony to the caterer but don’t want to give away extra money unnecessarily.


How Do You Account for People Seeing Ghosts?

Poll Results

How Do You Account for People Seeing Ghosts?

Often ripples in the time continuum Votes: 0
Sometimes demons, sometimes ripples in time Votes: 3
Almost always demons Votes: 10
Almost always nutty people or people on drugs Votes: 3
Other Votes: 6
Actual spirits of the dead Votes: 0


Death metal most healthy music?

This is designed to be humorous, not a serious debate thread. Those of you (ok, all of us?) who have heard the illustration about rock music killing plants should get a kick out of this Mythbusters episode. (Yes, I know that the real scientific value of this is about zero.)
Seven small greenhouses were set up on the M5 Industries roof.


Google Squared

Sorry, I am a fan-boy for Google. I find almost all their products fascinating and most enjoyable. This one I heard about last week and have actually used it. It is still in labs, so it may or may not work and of course has bugs and is not quite intuitive. For example, when you search for something, it pulls up the relevant headings for the search rather than the search itself. So if you search for Kia Rio5 it will pull up things for the Kia, not the Kia itself. So you have to play with it a bit to figure it out. I hope it will go beta at some point because it actually can be quite useful.
