The genius of "Dr.Pepper Ten"

No, this is not paid advertising but I just had to post somewhere how delighted I am to have discovered a diet pop (“coke” for you southerners and “soda” for the rest of you non-Michiganians) that actually tastes pretty good.

Last thing I tried was “Coke Zero”… half a can into the pack, I designated the rest for target practice (my son and I had a good time shaking them up and taking the BB guns to them)

At the time, I thought “I don’t really need zero calories. I just don’t want 120. Why doesn’t someone go half way?”


Opportunity for a CPA :)

Our Pregnancy Resource Center needs a financial compilation from a CPA (independent from our ministry, so it can’t be the accountant who does our taxes) in order to finalize an application to the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA). Local CPAs I’ve called are busy with tax season, which I know will be the case with many good CPAs. Anybody out there have a recommendation of someone who might be willing and available to help?
