Much of the Bible addresses the End Times, perhaps 14%. Does the teaching in your church approximate this ratio?

There was a time just a few decades ago when many church emphasized eschatology beyond the subjects of heaven and hell. Although someone might challenge these statistics, I have read that at least 150 chapters of the Bible are predominantly about the End Times and about 14% of the Bible deals with the End Times. I can believe that.

So, the expanded questions sounds like this: If you consider how much fo the Bible deals with the End Times, would you guess that your church’s teaching/preaching ministries resemble the emphasis of Scripture?


Who Is Your Favorite Dispensational (in the broad sense) Scholar?

When it comes to academics, I cannot say I know what qualifies a theologian to be a “scholar.” Sometimes scholarship is in the subjective eye of the beholder. Usually we look at things like academic credentials and academic works.

When it comes to creating a list, there are way too many names to choose from. I will certainly miss some big ones, so please pardon my omissions. I am going to take my best guess as to which are both true scholars and most respected (which can be two different things).


Do you believe Adam's sin is imputed to everyone in the human race who is not yet redeemed?

There have always been many views on Original Sin. I think all of us agree that we are born with a sin nature and that it is impossible for us not to sin.

Do you believe, however, that we somehow participated in Adam’s sin because we were seminally present, or that he sinned as our representative, or that he sinned as our federal head, thus — untlil regeneration — guilty of Adam’s sin in addition to all our particular sins?

Please comment BRIEFLY if you wish.

Poll Results


Do you believe it is right or wrong for Christians to play the lottery?

With an over $1 billion dollar jackpot in Indiana, people are buying more lottery tickets than ever.

What do you think about the ethics of this?

I think many of us would argue that it is money wasted and not wise, but there is a difference between our opinion as to what is wise and what is right or wrong. After all, people waste money on all sorts of things.

Would you disqualify one from church leadership for buying a lottery ticket?

So where do you stand?


Is it a good idea for Christians to carry concealed (licensed) handguns?

John Piper has started a ruckus with his comments against Christians carrying handguns and almost against self-defense. What is your view on hand guns?

The assumption of the question is that those who would carry guns are properly trained, attained their guns legally, and have met the legal requirements in their state to do so.

Poll Results

Is it a good idea for Christians to carry concealed (licensed) handguns?


What is usually your main dinner course Christmas Day or Eve?

With a constant barrage of conflicts, disagreement, and bad news, it is time for a light Christmas post!

What will be your main entree for Christmas dinner? Or, if you eat your big meal on Christmas Eve, that will do as well!

There are a few SI participants who are also foodies, and a number of us who are curious. If there are any particular reasons for your choice or comments you wish to share, please do so!

Poll Results

What is usually your main dinner course Christmas Day or Eve?


Does Your Church Cancel or Add Events/Meetings During Christmas Week?

Some churches cut down their ministry events during Christmas week, others increase, while others (like ours) do a bit of trading. We cut out our Sunday evening service, but we add a Christmas Eve service.

What does your church do? We are particularly targeting THIS year, not necessarily years gone by.

Feel free to comment and mention what exactly you add or detract — or why you do neither.

Poll Results

Does Your Church Cancel or Add Events/Meetings During Christmas Week?


Should our churches educate our people in Church History?

I have been pastoring the same church for 32 years, and only once have I taught a series on Church History. I will be doing an extended one with a retired pastor friend after the New Year.

Have I been wrong to wait so long to do this? Or is church history not-so-relevant compared to so many other things? What do you think?

We are talking about a survey of church history — not super extensive, several year classes (although that would be included).

Poll Results

Should our churches educate our people in Church History?
