Are you generally favorable toward Messianic Judaism?

The term “Messianic Judaism” represents as broad a spectrum as the term “evangelical.” It includes many flavors and viewpoints. Our question is about Messianic Judaism in its better representations — those congregations that embrace evangelical essentials, such as salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ (Messiah) alone, the Triune God, and the authority of both Old and New Testament. This, I believe, is probably the majority viewpoint.


Do you think conservative churches would be better off with fewer programs?

Mark Dever suggests fewer programs in the church will make more time for real ministry. Other people might counter that more programs mean structured contact with more people — it really happens.

What is your experience? Please comment in one of more of these areas, if you wish:

(1) Are a wealth of programs good for growing a church numerically, but counter-productive in matters of spiritual depth and actual discipleship?

(2) Are the many programs often the wrong programs, and would an improved direction help?


For thinkers: Can a person remarry a former spouse after having married another?

One of the most unsettled issues in the Christian world (although most claim to have settled it — but they have not) is the relationship of the Law to the believer, specifically what applies and how it applies.

This issue comes up when we deal with tattoos, for example. But today’s issue is about divorce and remarriage. Some top commentators suggest that the main point of Deuteronomy 24:1-4 is to prevent someone who is divorced and remarried to return to the first spouse. The concessions to human nature about divorce might be the secondary issue.


What is your view of church mergers?

According to a number of sources, evangelical (and fundamental) Christianity is quickly shrinking in the US while expanding in many other nations. As younger people typically leave the church in droves (2 out of 3, only in this case not coming back as in the past), many churches are just now beginning to notice the problem. In some regions, the problem is not as obvious as in others.


Will the Pope's visit to the U.S affect "Christianity Today" evangelicalism?

I remember in ab out 1979 (or was it 1980) when the pope visited Chicago — folks came to our church who had never come before. Since our neighborhood was about 90% Roman Catholic, the few protestants wanted to “register their religious fervency” as well. Most never came back, though we tried to visit them.

Of course this will also increase Catholic pride for a time.


Do you believe divorce is a sin?

When I saw the headline about one in 7 Americans thinking that divorce is not sin, I thought I would put up a SI poll. Like many pastors, I think it can be and often is a sin, but not necessarily so. I do think sin as always at the root, however.

What is your take? Please take the closest choice; choose “other” only if the choices avaialble are not close (or cover most bases).

Poll Results

Do you believe divorce is a sin?


Which is your favorite "major" prophet? (at least right now)

We have heard it a zillion times, “There is nothing minor about the minor prophets. Minor refers to the size of their books, not their message, ministry, or impact.” But one thing is not stated that needs to be: It is a lot easier to preach through a minor prophetic book than it is a major one!


What kind of building does your church meet in? And comment: do you like it?

Church buildings are obviously extra-Scriptural. Still, with changing times, growth and decline, etc., it is interesting to try to determine the structural needs of the future. The place to begin is where we are and to learn practical points from one another.

Our church has had to invest ridiculous amounts of money to maintain our buildings. These are not frills.

So comments about your own church family’s facility or meeting place can help the many of us who are uncertain, especially given our changing times.


How do you use the term "outreach" as a church?

One common frustration I experience is not being able to communicate clearly because of changing terminology. I am among those who believe that terms need to be defined specifically — and definitions not switched midstream.


In 2035, will most solid churches in America be house churches?

George Barna has been the pied piper for many churches, leading many to adopt his conclusions, for better or worse. A few years ago, Barna sold his organization and began advocating the House Church.

With the way Christians are being silenced in our culture and government encroachment (particularly involving the gay issue) and the new emphasis on “diversity,” will church buildings become obvious points for protests, vandalism, etc., and will the government attach qualifications toward tax-exemption that will force compromise upon compliant churches?
