Do you usually take a vacation away from home?

It won’t be long until summer is over for many folks — esp. those who children attend public school. In Kokomo, Indiana, school starts August 3.

Growing up, the best times of my life were on vacations, when we went (we did not go every year). I loved the woods and living in a cabin in a different state, escaping the hustle and bustle of the Chicago area.

Even though our kids grew up in a small city, we enjoying renting a cabin at the state parks. On other occasions, we went to different locations, including one trip to Disney World.


20 Years from now: Do You Believe Seminaries and Bible Colleges (in USA) will continue to train our leaders?

When I say “our” leaders, I mean conservative evangelical and fundament leaders. By churches, I mean conservative evangelical/fundamental ones.

The question does not involve how popular our schools will be. Many may close, for example, but that is not the issue at hand. We are talking about enjoying the freedom to hold to our convictions.


Do you believe the titles/headings of the Psalms are inspired Scripture?

I noticed that when my favorite reader, Max McClean, reads from the Psalms (ESV) on, he does not read the headings (“A Psalm of Asaph on Jeduthun,” or “A Psalm of David”, etc.).

What is your viewpoint on these headings (often called “titles”), found in the Hebrew text? Do you believe these heading are part of inspired Scripture (some versions number them as verse 1), or do you believe that these headings are something less than inspired Scripture?


If the election were held today, who would you PROBABLY or definitely vote for in the presidential election?

It’s early, and a lot can change before November: scandals, deaths, new candidates, etc.

How would you probably or definitely vote if the election were today?

I am working hard to make it impossible to choose “other.” But, if you do, please let me know how you wormed out of one of these answers.

Poll Results

If the election were held today, who would you PROBABLY or definitely vote for in the presidential election?


Do you think the transgender locker room/bathroom trend will be reversed?

As the consequences of people declaring themselves the opposite gender and using this to gain entry to showers, locker rooms, bathrooms, and athletic teams — become obvious, will the trend to allow this continue or be modified? Will local, state, and federal governments begin to show concern for protecting the rights of the mainstream people who will feel violated?

Poll Results

Do you think the transgender locker room/bathroom trend will be reversed?


Which position BEST describes your view as the means of salvation by grace?

I think at SI we all agree that Jesus completely atoned for our sins upon the cross, and that his death (or life and death), burial, and resurrection completely provide the basis for our salvation. The old school called this “objective salvation” (a nomenclature I personally embrace).


How would you characterize your church's relationship (by and large) toward "revival?"

Both evangelicalism and fundamentalism developed partly from revivalistic movements. The Great Awakenings, tent meetings, even annually scheduled “revivals.”

As a newer believer, I was influenced by that concept somewhat (although not to the extreme), and it is no longer the way I think. And it is not the way our church (by and large) thinks, although it was an important part of our church’s past.

So we are not asking about individuals in your church, but the direction and leadership of your church are in view.


LGBT: How prevalent in your extended family?

It is hard to know how many L (lesbian) G (gay) B (Bi-sexual) T (transgender) people there really are out there — percent-wise. Supposed statistics range from 4 to 23%.

It is my observation that the younger generation — particularly kids now in Jr. or St. high — are much more open toward considering whether they are really Trans-gender.

Like you, the confusion breaks my heart. Many of us would attribute the rise in this to God’s judgment upon the West — in Romans 1 fashion. We are being “turned over.”


Are you considering voting for a third party candidate?

There is a lot of talk about Christians examining the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party as possible voting choices. Assuming it is Trump Vs. Clinton (and it is too early to assume that for certain, but we will assume this for purposes of this poll), what are your thoughts about voting 3rd party? A wasted vote? A statement? A possible win?

Poll Results

Are you considering voting for a third party candidate?


Does Genesis 3:15 refer to the Messiah?

Genesis 3:15 has generally been understood to be a prophecy of the Messiah. Hislop in The Two Babylons suggests that distorted views of the virgin birth in other religions find their origin in a memory of this promise. The ESV of the text reads:

I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring[a] and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”
