How Many Times Have You Read Through the Entire Bible?

Although it is always hard to get an accurate assessment, how many times would you guess you have read through the entire Bible?

This should be based upon reading programs — whether from Genesis to Revelation or some other schedule — in addition to personal guesses.

For example, if you preach/teach through the Word, you might be reading through the entire Bible doing a survey course, etc.


In the Parable of the Sower, who is saved?

The parable of the sower (Matthew 13:3-9, Matthews 13:18-23), some seed is (1) not germinated and is snatched up right away, some falls on (2) rocky ground and dies int he heat of the sun because it has shallow roots, others grow but then are (3) choked by weeds, while some seeds (4) thrive and produce a good harvest.

Interpretations vary, often affected by the theological assumptions of the interpreter.

So, in your vies, which plants are genuinely saved?

Poll Results

In the Parable of the Sower, who is saved?


Are there any national campus ministries you consider the best (or least worst)?

The college years are the best time in life to grow as disciples. Your mind is at its prime, most people are single and do not have the responsibilities of marriage, and life has not yet snuffed out the idealism associated with youth.

Many churches have outreach ministries to college students. I am thinking of Kossuth Street Baptist in Lafayette, IN (and their ministry to Purdue students).


Do you agree with the president's ban on refugees?

The refugee issue is the talk of the town, country, and world. We can read reasonable arguments from all sides, as well as those more emotional and less reasonable.

In a post on Ed Stetzer’s article, SI participant (and a man I respect) Jim Peet argues well that what we are talking about are matters of degrees. Everyone is for some immigration and some limitation.

So where do you stand on the president’s recent orders about this matter? Is he right on, way off, or so-so.

Poll Results


Do you consider Sunday the Sabbath Day?

7th Day Adventists. 7th Day Baptists. Some forms of Replacement Theology. Many groups consider Sunday the “Christian Sabbath.”

Others of us believe the Sabbath is Saturday, but rest on the Sabbath is not a required practice for the church. We might argue that we meet on the Lord’s Day, Sunday, which is distinct from the Sabbath.

Still others would take the Hebrews argument that the reason we do not observe the Sabbath is because the entire church age is an age of entering into that Sabbath rest of God, and thus the command is fulfilled in the church.


Should the U.S. Retain Obamacare?

It is one thing to say that a program is bad and needs to be scrapped, but, when you are in a position to do so, the rubber meets the roead.

There are problems in life people love to complain about, but really cannot solve. Healthcare seems to be one of those issues. It is a matter of least worse choices.

So, if you were President Trump or a member of Congress, what would you do beyond criticism and complaint?


Who was greater, Elijah or Elisha?

We are taught about Elijah’s miracles (7 to 9, depending upon how we interpret the drought) in I Kings 17 through 2 Kings 2.

We read about Elisha in 2 Kings 2-13. Elisha worked approximately twice as many miracles as Elisha (14 if you count the miracle worked when a dead men had contact with his bones). He also had a “double portion” of the Spirit (or spirit, depending upon how you interpret his granted request).


Are You Making A New Year's Resolution This Year?

New Year’s resolution — an old tradition some engage in and others not. What about you? Making a resolution this year? If so, what?

Poll Results

Are You Making A New Year’s Resolution This Year?


Should the U.S. work toward becoming buddies with Russia/Putin?

Several of President-elect Donald Trump’s appointments are noted for their pro-Russian sympathies, and President-elect Trump has himself expresses a level of admiration for Vladimir Putin.

Should the U.S. work at creating a bond with Russia/Putin? Might we be more influential as friends than as adversaries?

Adding the discussion, you might comment on “should the US become less involved with NATO and the EU?”


Do you drink alcohol?

Alcohol is in a lot of things: vanilla extract, cold medicines, etd. And it is used in cooking (I cook with a lot of it).

The poll today is not about technicalities, but about whether you drink alcohol as a beverage.

No one on Sharper Iron (I would think) would deny that drunkenness is a sin.

So what about you?

Please choose the answer that fits closest and try to avoid other, if you can. Drinking rarely can be defined as less that 10 drinks a year.

Our poll is not about the past, but the present.
