If you could change the name of your church, would you?

Name changes are all around us. Some of them seem absurd (e.g., “Converge” for the Baptist General Conference); even when some have good logic behind them, the change is just not right IMO — like Cru for Campus Crusade). Churches are taking out the name of their denomination or type. I personally dislike that trend — if you are part of a group, you ought to be proud of that fact or get out! I know, things are not that black and white. Still, just saying.


How Proficient Are You In Using Popular Technological Devices?

Smart phones, dumb phones, and land lines. Shiver me timbers. How proficient are you in the newer technologies? Are you good with power point, do you own a notebook or ipad or smart phone (or equivalent)?

Not al all would mean you have a land line, and are not even online with the internet.

Not very much would mean you own a basic cell phone and are cozy or somewhat cozy surfing the internet, email, etc.

So-so means you are comfortable with the immediate above and maybe a little more (like a kindle or a smart phone).


Should We Ease Off on Hard Drug Sentencing?

Note: We are not talking about Marijuana in this poll, but hard drugs (cocaine, heroin, meth, crack) or illegally obtained prescription drugs and other drugs.

According to Pew reserach,


What year was Jesus born? (choose your best guess)

What is your best guess as to when Jesus was born? We know when he began his ministry, he was ABOUT 30 (If Luke knew his exact age, he would not have used the word “about,” Luke 3:23).

Some of us go with a 30 AD crucifixion - resurrection date, I am a 33 AD man myself. But that is a different issue.

There has been some volleying around in recent years on this issue. Has your opinion changed? When did Herod the Great really die?


Have you ever taken (accredited) online courses?

My son is finishing up his M.Div from Southern Seminary. He was a resident there for two years, but is finishing up his last year online. His wife is also taking online courses. I know lots and lots of people doing this — not only the wave of the future, but a current “wave.”

What about you? What do you think about this? Are classes better this way, worse, or close to an even trade (pros and cons balance).

Poll Results

Have you ever taken (accredited) online courses?


UFOs: How do you account for them?

Is God’s focus on the earth, or is the earth one of several or many foci? This is quite an interesting issue, so your comments are appreciated. You can address any or all of the following: (1) Do sane [and sober] people actually see UFO’s that are beyond naturalistic explanation (not military projects, cloud formations, asteroids, etc.). (2) If so, are these connected to the demonic? (3) Do you see a connection to the Nephilim of Genesis 6?


Does your church's main service feature an organ?

We are blessed to have a faithful organist who has been serving our church since before my time (I have been here 31 years). But when she is no longer able to play, I suspect our organ will be rarely played. What is your church’s “organ situation?” Will the organ become a novelty instrument, much like the accordion is in disuse in the popular genre?

Poll Results

Does your church’s main service feature an organ?


Can Gay and Lesbian people change their orientation?

I think all of us agree that we are to love people no matter what their sexual orientation, and that all people have value before God. At the same time, all or most of us would say that God detests homosexual acts, and that homosexual practice is the sign of a society “given over” or being abandoned by God (Romans 1:24-28).


How long has your (senior) pastor served your church? Or how long have you served if a pastor?

Longevity of ministry has often been a topic for discussion and research. Yet, I think, few studies have been done that focus exclusively on a bunch like SI, conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists.

If you serve as the lead/main/senior/only pastor at your church, answer the question about yourself. Otherwise, answer the question about the church you are now attending.

My suspicion is that we have a good level of longevity. We’ll find out!
