Does mockery of our opponents have a place in theological debate?

My theological viewpoints have frequently been mocked by other Bible-believing Christians. For example, being dispensational (of a sort), my viewpoint has been called unscholarly, mindless, etc., and those who hold my view as “sensationalist.” I am a young earth creationist, and other evangelicals have accused people with my viewpoint as mindless and naive, and essentially believing the world is flat.


How would you deal with someone who has had a sex-change operation

Bruce Jenner has made the whole “sex change” concept “socially acceptable.” Of course we who are faithful to the Kingdom of God would take a different view.

People are born with either XX chromosomes or XY. That is their objective gender. Although some people may be born with both genital sets (extremely rare), the XX or XY pattern is one or the other.


Unequally Yoked: Does Your Church or Pastor Have A Written Policy About Marrying Believers to Unbelievers?

Almost every pastor I know has run into a painful issue: the daughter of some important figure in the church (perhaps a board member) sets up an appointment with her husband-to-be and asks if the pastor will officiate. The young man, however, does not profess to be a committed believer in Jesus.

From there, paths diverge and all kinds of things can happen. Some churches/pastors have a written policy that at least protects those individual from feeling targeted, if nothing else.


Do you have close friends at your church?

I think we all should have close Christian friends, but not necessarily at our church (although it is nice, ideally, IMO),yet we should have people in our church with whom we are friendly and familiar, friends but not necessarily close ones. There are pros and cons to this, of course. And, by friend, we are not counting immediate families (okay, cousins and more distantly related people can count).

So let’s talk about what is and then you are free to comment on that or upon what you believe should be.

Poll Results


Hebrews 9:23-28 tells us that Jesus entered the throne room in heaven with his own blood. When was this?

In Hebrews 9:23-28, the author is discussing how the Yom Kippur sacrifice prefigured the work of Jesus, who entered not the earthly temple with his blood — but the heavenly one, to which the earthly temple corresponds. The picture is of Jesus presenting his blood as an atoning sacrifice to the Father for all mankind for all time.

When did this take place? Here is the text itself:


Do you believe the Sabbath Day command is in effect for the believing Christian?

Exodus 20:8-11 reads:

8 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.


Do you have a favorable opinion of Benjamin Netanyahu?

Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech resonated with many political conservatives, but perhaps even more so with those of us who believe that God will still keep the promises he made to literal ethnic Israel. Of course many people respect Netanyahu and do not believe those promises are still valid. So this is about our opinion of Netanyahu, no matter how we got to that opinion.

Poll Results

Do you have a favorable opinion of Benjamin Netanyahu?


Is President Obama wise to refuse to refer to Islamic Terrorists as "Islamic?"

The President has been criticized for only praising Islam and never referring to terrorists as Islamic Terrorists. The President has the responsibility of protecting all Americans, and he is obviously concerned that Non-Muslim Americans do not start perpetrating acts of violence on Muslim Americans in retaliation for what is happening elsewhere. George W. Bush had similar concerns.


Have "security breaches" like Target, Anthem, etc., ever affected you?

Anthem insures millions of people, include me! People in another country now probably have my date of birth, SS number, and who know what else.

On another occasion, I got a call from my charge company wanting to verify purchases; sure enough, someone had lifted my number.

Has sensitive information about you (like the above) been compromised?

This is an opportunity to share advice or lessons learned, and/or to project where this will lead.

Poll Results


Does Your Church Do Anything for Valentine's Day?

Sweet heart banquets, sour heart seminars —sermons on love, marriage, or romance – does your church acknowledge Valentine’s Day in any particular way? Is this a useful holiday, a neutral one, or a worthless one. What are your thoughts?

Poll Results

Does Your Church Do Anything for Valentine’s Day?
