Have you ever known someone you were convinced was strongly demonically influenced/ possessed?

The term “possession” is not really in the original language of Scripture. The word “demonized” is. So the idae of possession is to be demonically influenced (strongly) or even controlled.

Most of us probably believe that a demon can control a lost person under certain conditions.

We might disagree as to how much influence a demon can have on a believer, but most of us believe in the idea that we are under attack, at times, by the powers of darkness.


On an average, are you comfortable with how much time you spend at home?

Will Rogers said, “…the government takes our taxes to build roads and the Baptists wear them out going to meetings!”

Church meetings, by and large, have become less, except in some of the “revival-driven” churches. But are we spending more time — or enough time — at home?

This is going to vary by time of year, phase of life, and numerous variables (many of us are bracing for a multitude of Christmas events). Most of us have weeks where we are gone or have something every single evening, but that is not the norm.


What is your opinion of the Masons and its auxiliary groups?

I was talking to a pastor friend about the Masons and its groups, and we both agreed that Christians who were involved in that seemed less involved in the church, and, in our experience, never theologically deep. But our experience is limited.

Many people, from John R. Rice to John Ankerberg have taken strong stands against the Masons and lodges in general. My main concern has been displacement of the Biblical with the quasi-refligious/social and their seeming but cloaked belief that salvation is by works and not by faith in Christ alone.


Have Donald Trump's Lewd Comments Changed How You Will Vote?

We all know that Trump’s recording has hit the media, and that many supporters are changing or considering changing their voting intentions. Were you affected? If you were not going to vote for him and still are not, then you would be unaffected.

Poll Results

Have Donald Trump’s Lewd Comments Changed How You Will Vote?


Do you struggle with procrastination?

“I planned to check out a book from the library titled, ‘How to Stop Procrastinating,’ but I’ve never got around to it!”

Ecclesiastes 11:4 makes the point about procrastination:

He who observes the wind will not sow,
and he who regards the clouds will not reap.

How much of a problem is procrastination with you? I think it is likely that all of us procrastinate at times in some ways. Yet procrastination is a major player in some lives and a minor player in others. Where would you place yourself?


Do you think Jesus ever had a cold or was ill?

Although sin brings death and gave birth to sickness, did Jesus get sick, even though He was sinless? After all, He lived in a cursed environment? In addition, He was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin. It is not a sin to be sick, so was He tempted by sickness? Was that part of the kenosis? He not only took on the appearance of flesh, but “sinful flesh” (meaning He had no sin predisposition toward sin, but was vulunerable to all the human experiences that sinful people suffered) — Romans 8:3


Do you plan to have your remains buried or cremated?

As a pastor, the trend toward cremation is clear. The founding pastor of our church was cremated, my sister’s remains were cremated. Cremation seems to be fast approaching the 50% mark.

Have you thought about how you want your remains handled?

All of us, of course, prefer Rapture. The assumption in this question is that we will see the undertaker before we see the upper-taker, but that we cannot know!


Do you typically read fiction books?

Most participants on SI, I would think, frequently read Christian, Biblical, or theological books, many on a regular basis. Others clearly enjoy secular non-fiction books as well. But what about fiction — Christian or other?

What sparked this poll was recent news that people who read fiction books lived longer, and, it appears, reading fiction also improves health and social relationships.

So what about you? Do you like a good Who done it? or a western or historical fiction of some sort — or science fiction, the classics, etc.?


Averaging everything out, do you think your church uses the right balance between video and live teaching?

Whether DVD or live steaming, do you think our conservative churches are leaning too much on video presentations? We are assuming that the videos themselves are good quality both doctrinally and in format. Or do quality videos abound and you think it good that the church uses them frequently?

Perhaps yours is a satellite church with a projected speaker from another location. Why does this seem fine to you?

It goes without saying that it depends upon the specific church and perhaps the specific crowd.
