News on churchgoers’ views of Trump


“…weekly churchgoers still approve of Trump as a person way more than do those who seldom or never go to church—44 percent versus 30 percent.” - RNS


Trump to form group for workplace religious freedom


“A new coalition of U.S. businesses to protect religious freedom in the workplace is among U.S. President Donald Trump’s latest initiatives, Trump said Monday (Sept. 23) at the United Nations headquarters in New York.” - BPNews


Trump must name and condemn the evil of white nationalism


“You could call the killer who shot up a Walmart in El Paso evil, a madman, or a lone wolf, if you like. But it would be an intolerable omission if we did not also call him a white nationalist terrorist. This ideology is a growing sickness in America, and President Trump has a duty to thoroughly and roundly denounce it.” - Washington Examiner


Church Leaders Respond to Trump’s Baltimore Diatribe


“After President Donald Trump tweeted over the weekend that the Baltimore district of Rep. Elijah Cummings is a ‘disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess’ and ‘no human being would want to live there,’ the city’s religious and civic leaders have rallied to its defense.” - Church Leaders


On Court Prophets and Wilderness Prophets


“Whether you view Trump as a David or an Antipas, whether you serve at the court of the resplendent king or stand over against the court from the wilderness, one thing Nathan and John the Baptist held in common was that both were willing to condemn unrighteousness in their rulers—even if it cost them everything.” - Christiatnity Today
