Most US Christians find Trump signing Bibles inappropriate: poll


“Only 39 percent of Christians in the U.S. think it would be inappropriate for a pastor, priest or Christian leader to sign the cover of a Bible….a Morning Consult poll released Monday (March 18) shows nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of Christians in the U.S. found it inappropriate when Trump signed” Bibles earlier this month.


Why Did Evangelicals Flock to Trump? Existential Fear


“Counterintuitively, the fact that Trump is bellicose, bombastic, insulting, and lives according to a code at odds with evangelicals’ beliefs actually made him more attractive as an ally, not less. ‘Evangelical nice’ is a real thing …That made evangelicals unlikely to see one of their own as capable of defeating an existential threat.” - The Bulwark


Character Is Destiny


“I have been predicting that the Trump presidency will end poorly because character is destiny.” - National Review
