‘Love your enemies’ is a command, not a suggestion


At the recent National Prayer Breakfast, “Arthur Brooks, a Harvard professor and president of a conservative think tank, had decried a ‘crisis of contempt and polarization’ and urged his listeners to ‘love your enemies.’” In response, President Trump remarked, “I don’t know if I agree with you” - Michael Brown


Trump affirms religious liberty in schools


“In observance of National Religious Freedom Day, President Donald Trump hosted a gathering today (Jan. 16) of students from different religions to affirm the right of students to pray in school.” - BPNews


The Lord Hath Chosen... Donald Trump?


“Too many Christians who compare Trump to David seem to have forgotten the king who came before—and how his story has perhaps better parallels to our current age….King Saul’s rise and fall is an example of God granting his people what they want—and then making them endure many of the consequences of their own foolishness.” - The Dispatch
