Trump’s Disgraceful Endgame


“There are legitimate issues to consider after the 2020 vote about the security of mail-in ballots and the process of counting votes…but make no mistake: The chief driver of the post-election contention of the past several weeks is the petulant refusal of one man to accept the verdict of the American people.


Do You Desire Truth More Than Victory?


“In this election, most conservative Christians supported the policies of President Trump, especially as against those Joe Biden espouses. Most conservative Christians greatly desired the success of the Trump campaign. Those desires now drive a desperate search for any way to make the Trump campaign succeed.


Why I Didn’t Vote for Joe Biden . . . or Donald Trump

My absentee ballot went into the mail last week. It looked a lot like 2016’s ballot: conservative selections for various state and local positions, write-ins for President and Vice President of the United States.


Christian groups say 15K cap on refugee resettlement for 2021 is 'unconscionable'


“ ‘As evangelicals, we believe in the God-given dignity of every person in every nation,’ reads a press statement by evangelical Christian leaders, including Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, under the banner of the Evangelical Immigration Table.” - C.Post


Most Evangelicals choose Trump over Biden, but clear ethnic divides exist


“A new survey from Nashville-based LifeWay Research conducted Sept. 9-23 finds President Donald Trump with a sizable lead over Democratic nominee Joe Biden among likely voters with evangelical beliefs. Deep divides, however, persist among evangelicals across ethnic lines.” - BPNews


Veith: We’ll Live-Blog the Debate!


“As the debate proceeds, I’ll offer my thoughts in the Comments feature. But don’t make me do all of the work. I invite you, dear reader, to join in with your own comments. I hope we have participants from all political perspectives. We would thus represent the “General Public” in our responses, without the media filters and without the vitriol.” - Gene Veith
