Trump's new Supreme Court list: The good and the bad


“…while there are some excellent names on Trump’s expanded list — Kyle Duncan of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is particularly impressive — there also are some people who may be impressive people but who aren’t legitimately ready for, or of the right legal background for, the Supreme Court.” - Hillyer


Is America Still an Option for Christians Fleeing Persecution?


“While I knew that restrictions have made it harder to immigrate to this country by crossing the border illegally from Mexico or applying for a work visa from China, I didn’t realize that new rules also affect those who flee persecution for their religious faith.” - TGC


Do Pro-Lifers Who Reject Trump Have ‘Blood on their Hands’?


“…if you’re pro-life, the encouraging reality is those things that matter most—your relationships and your local political community—are the things over which you have the most influence. The things that matter the least—the presidency and national politics—are those things most removed from your daily life.” - David French
