Trump's egotistic tweets show a man disconnected from God


“A man connected to God is, among other things, humble, “thinking of others as better than [themselves]” (Philippians 2:3). He does not go out of his way to insult others. When he pledges himself to God’s service, he realizes he is but a small part of God’s plan, working in connection with others to fulfill that plan.” - Examiner


Trump commended for halt to border family separations


“ ‘This is a good first step. Now let’s fix this system,’ said Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). ‘We can have security while still showing compassion to those fleeing violence.’” BPress


The Great Pop Culture War


“Having lost so many cultural battles, the right has developed a desperate attraction to celebrity ephemera, confusing an epiphenomenon of progressivism’s cultural advantage — the fact that most famous artists and actors are left-wing — with the institutional advantage itself.” NY Times


New rule would cut Title X Planned Parenthood funds


“Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore and other pro-life leaders applauded news that the Trump administration will propose a new rule that would eliminate family planning funds for abortion giant Planned Parenthood.” BPNews
