Christians in the Age of Trump: A Contrasting View

Donald Trump rose to power amid controversy. Two and a half years into his administration, there is no sign that’s ever going to change. No doubt, he’ll continue to be a controversial figure long after his administration has moved into the history books.


Christians in the Age of Trump

Donald Trump is unlike any U.S. president before him, a real enigma to many. Some scold Christians for supporting a president who is so un-Christlike. Are Christians wrong to support a man like this?


Of Course Christians Should Pray for President Trump


“The choice isn’t between praying or confrontation. One can pray and confront. Sycophancy is a sin. Christian leaders should confront earthly rulers who commit unjust acts. But lack of charity is a sin also. So is lack of faith.” - David French


Jews Feel 'Less Secure' in America, Most Blame Trump for Rise of Anti-Semitism


“A new survey from Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg reveals that 73 percent of American Jews feel ‘less secure’ in the United States than they were two years ago. The poll, which was released Wednesday, comes after two deadly synagogue shootings in Poway, California and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.” - CBN


Buttigieg plays the religion card


“Religious contention of this sort is not unheard of in the history of American presidential campaigns. What’s unprecedented is for candidates to engage in it.” - RNS
