“Run the simulation on a [pastor/elder] candidate: Would the most natural commendation, relative this particular man, be … ‘He’s able to teach—if you put a gun to his head?’ Or would it be … ‘He’s the kind of man who will hardly stop teaching—even if you put a gun to his head.’” - 9 Marks
Partisanship Over Policy at the Heritage Foundation
“Interviews with more than a dozen current and former employees reveal how the think tank sidelines its scholars to score political points.” - The Dispatch
How to be Confident in the Truth (Without Being a Jerk): Augustine on Love
“we stumble into snares when we think confidence in the truth means one lacks kindness or when we allow confidence in the truth to make our speech reckless and acerbic. But the Bible tells us to speak ‘the truth lovingly’ (Eph 4:15).” - Wyatt Graham
A Neo-Aristotelian Basis for Liberty and Virtue
“it is possible to link a theory of natural moral law with a political theory of basic, negative, natural rights—that is, the individual rights to life, liberty, and property.” - Law & Liberty
Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 19)
Read the series.
Looking Deeper into the Problems with Covenant Theology (4)
4. CT deals with everything it meets in the pages of Scripture using these false covenants.
Pew: 'religious switching' trends look bad for U.S. Christianity
“Depending on whether religious switching continues at recent rates, speeds up or stops entirely, the projections show Christians of all ages shrinking from 64% to between a little more than half (54%) and just above one-third (35%) of all Americans by 2070.” - Pew
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission's Interim President Becomes Official President
“Leatherwood spent the past year as acting president…The ERLC board of trustees unanimously approved his appointment on Tuesday.” - CToday
A Patriotic Review of Paul Miller's The Religion of American Greatness: What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism
Per Miller, “…nationalists of various stripes seek to define the nation by a characteristic of a people group such as language, culture, religion, or ancestry (and thereby privilege that group and its values in society)” - Providence
My Thoughts on Why Fasting Has Become a Regular Part of My Evangelism
“As the Lord deepens my burden for evangelizing non-believers, fasting has become a critical component of those efforts.” - Chuck Lawless
The Theology of Sleep
“Most of our time is in the workplace, and the second highest lump of time is spent sleeping. One-third of our lives! ….The Bible does have something to say about what we do with one-third of our life in this regard, but we don’t hear messages about this.” - TIFWE
Give to Those Who Ask
Reposted from Rooted Thinking.
In Matthew 5:42, Jesus said, “Give to the one who asks of/begs from you.” This command of Jesus is not an easy one to apply. Christ’s words are straightforward: we must respond to those who, in their poverty, ask help from us.
Controversy over use of Al Mohler content by Doug Wilson's Canon Press/Canon+
The content was apparently ETS procedings provided to Canon Press by another publisher - BPNews
Is it a Sin to Get a Tattoo?
“ ‘Is it a sin?’ in the minds of most needs to be followed up with a verse that says in so many words Thou shalt not write anything permanent upon thy body. Barring the existence of that verse, going under the needle is allowed by Jesus, right?” - Kevin Schaal
Hope Always vs Suicide
“32% of Protestant church-going respondents had a family member or “close acquaintance” die by suicide. …Colson Educators has teamed with Dr. Matthew Sleeth, a former emergency room physician and chief of hospital medical staff, to offer a free online course called Hope Always” - Breakpoint
Speaking in Tongues Is Now Part of Max Lucado’s Regular Prayer Time
“Lucado shared this news in an interview with the Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast, where he discussed his new book on the Holy Spirit.” - C.Leaders
Review of William Craig's In Quest of the Historical Adam
“Most books of similar length to Craig’s In Quest of the Historical Adam receive much shorter reviews than this one. However, every now and then, a book comes along that deserves a much longer treatment, such as this one.” - London Lyceum
2 decades later, 9/11 self-professed mastermind awaits trial
“[Khalid Shaikh] Mohammed and four other men accused of 9/11-related crimes still sit in a U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, their planned trials before a military tribunal endlessly postponed.” - BPNews
How about overcoming yourself
“D.L. Moody… once quipped, ‘I have more trouble with D.L. Moody than with any other man I have ever met!’” - CPost
What Makes a Good Hymn?
“When we’re discussing hymns being ‘well-written,’ we’re not only referring to the lyrics but also the melody. Great melodies tend to gain staying power; they endure across generations.” - 9 Marks
Some Very Surprising and (Deeply Encouraging) Christian Poll Results
The question: “If you had to choose between the two, which do you feel is more important for the good of America? That we have the best potential president in the White House or that the Church maintains a good witness before the world?” - Michael Brown
Inerrancy: Recent Overview and a Review
Among other things, a look at the importance of Westminster Theological Seminary and Vern Poythress’ Inerrancy and the Gospels in the defense of the doctrine of inerrancy. - Ref21
On Misplaced Militance
When the biblical fundamentalist movement was in its heyday, evangelicals often complained that the movement was afflicted with a misplaced militance. It seemed to be at war with fellow believers. Today, some of the same evangelicals are caught up in a misplaced militance of their own.
They’re constantly emphasizing battle against American culture and government.
It’s not entirely an emphasis problem, but mostly. Much of what’s trending in our culture is a continued departure from our Christianity-influenced roots. Riding that wave, some of what’s trending in government is also increasingly hostile toward a traditional, Christian way of life—as well as hostile toward certain freedoms.
Is it sinful to play the lottery?
Gambling has long been taboo in Christian circles. The issue, however, is not addressed very often in our day, except maybe under the category of addictions. But what of the occasional gambler? Can Christians go to Vegas and play the slots with a clear conscience?
Nothing has made the issue more cloudy than lottery tickets. In states like Indiana where there is a state lottery, it is not unusual for guests to be given a gift (at some big dinner, for example) of a lottery ticket. Hep church pastors often talk about, “If you won the lottery….” I would never buy a lottery ticket, but I would scratch it off and claim a prize if one was given to me. That is as far as I would go. But others would say no to that.
What Is a Tithe? New Data from Barna Research on Perceptions of the 10 Percent
“While pastors today note the tithe as being central both to their church’s funding and its practice of generosity, new data …suggests a traditional tithe is not widely understood or practiced today.” - Barna
Judge blocks California law forcing doctors to participate in assisted suicide process
“The 19,000-member Christian Medical & Dental Associations and Dr. Leslee Cochrane sued California over a bill that they say removed conscience protections for medical professionals morally opposed to any form of participation with assisted suicide.” - CPost
Christian leaders honor Queen Elizabeth II
Died: Queen Elizabeth II, British Monarch Who Put Her Trust in God - Christianity Today
In Georgia, Queen Elizabeth II remembered for ‘sense of duty to Christ’ - Christian Index
The Rise in Mobile Gambling Isn’t Good for Anyone
“The National Council on Problem Gambling found that 40 percent of people ages 18-44 gambled online last year, more than double the rate of those ages 45-54. A quarter of young people say they started gambling online more during the Covid pandemic.” - Relevant
Stop Doing Word Studies
I thought this was a helpful article. http://www.signandshadow.com/2022/09/06/save-time-stop-doing-word-studi…
Christian Teacher in Ireland Willing to Remain in Jail ‘For the Next 100 Years’ Before Using Student’s Preferred Pronouns
“A Christian teacher in Ireland has been put in prison for refusing to obey a court injunction preventing him from teaching at or attending his secondary school pending the conclusion of a disciplinary process.” - C.Leaders
Serotonin and Depression: 4 Questions and Answers About a New Study
“Most people believe depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, but this assumption has been challenged by a recent medical study titled ‘The Serotonin Theory of Depression.’” - TGC