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Christian Teacher in Ireland Willing to Remain in Jail ‘For the Next 100 Years’ Before Using Student’s Preferred Pronouns

SI Filings ⁃

“A Christian teacher in Ireland has been put in prison for refusing to obey a court injunction preventing him from teaching at or attending his secondary school pending the conclusion of a disciplinary process.” - C.Leaders

Serotonin and Depression: 4 Questions and Answers About a New Study

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“Most people believe depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, but this assumption has been challenged by a recent medical study titled ‘The Serotonin Theory of Depression.’” - TGC

Which Plato? Whose Platonism? Summarizing the Christian Platonism Symposium

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“Given these various definitions, some of which explicitly contradict any semblance of a unified definition, Christian Platonism is nearly impossible to define since its commitments have shifted over time. Yet there appears to be a core conceptual agreement of transcendence.” - London Lyceum

Phil Cooke on his and Jonathan Bock's book: The Way Back: How Christians Blew Our Credibility and How We Get It Back

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“Study after study comes back with roughly the same numbers. Most adults in this country say they believe in God (89%). Only slightly fewer call themselves Christians (70%). But what we say and what we do are two different things.” - Cooke

Edmund Burke Can Still Inspire the American Right

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“Edmund Burke was someone who believed that ‘he had a duty to the present and a duty to the future … a duty to liberty in policy and a duty to stability in polity.’ A modern American conservative movement that embodied these axioms would surely be one less wracked by the internecine conflicts that bedevil it today.” - Acton

77% of Americans believe suicide has become an epidemic in the U.S.

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“Few believe that people who commit suicide are selfish (38%) or are automatically going to hell (23%). Those numbers have remained relatively steady since 2014” - Lifeway

ERLC joins defense of religious liberty for nation’s oldest Jewish university

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“The ERLC and a collection of nine Baptist, evangelical, Catholic or Mormon institutions filed a friend-of-the-court brief Sept. 2 that asked the high court to block enforcement of a state court’s order that required Yeshiva University to recognize officially a gay and transgender student group.” - C.Index

Parents complain after more than 100 students are baptized at NC Christian school without their consent

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“My daughter calls me from the school and says, ‘Mama, can you bring me some dry clothes? I got baptized today,’” one parent told The Fayetteville Observer. “I said, ‘What?’” - CPost

Related: School Apologizes after Baptizing 100 Children without Notifying Parents - C.Headlines

Michael Brown on his new book: The Political Seduction of the Church: How Millions of American Christians Have Confused Politics with the Gospel

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“I’m speaking about the Church becoming an appendage to a political party. I’m talking about God’s people getting consumed with election fever. I’m referring to believers putting their hope in a political leader in a way that becomes unhealthy and even idolatrous.” - Michael Brown

Will We Use Our Creativity in Heaven?

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“God gave people creativity in their unfallen state, which remained but was twisted when we fell. He will surely not give us less creativity in Heaven but more, unmarred by sin, unlimited by mortality.” - Randy Alcorn

Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 18)

Paul Henebury ⁃

Read the series.

Looking Deeper into the Problems with Covenant Theology (3)

3. CT relies upon covenants found nowhere in Holy Writ.

If I were to challenge you to locate the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Phinehas, Moses, and David it would not take you very long. But what if I issued a challenge to find the covenants of redemption, works, or grace? And what if I told you that you could not run to any passage where the covenants to do with Noah, Abraham, Phinehas, Moses, and David were in view? How would you fair?

On Shamelessness: In a performative age, brazenness gives an illusion of strength.

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“In the short run, shamelessness works. Eventually, though, one must stand before God—naked and unable to fight one’s own conscience with bravado.” - CToday

At Dave Ramsey’s company, enforcement of sexual ethics under scrutiny

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Accusations and counter-accusations center on incidents in which the company allegedly enforced or failed to enforce its sexual ethics requirements. - RNS

Using an Often Ignored MS Word Tool for Multi-Lingual Ministry

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“On a typical Sunday morning, we are now making outlines available in Romanian, Arabic, Russian, and Spanish.” - Kevin Schaal

Pornhub booted off Instagram after complaints from anti-sexual exploitation group

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“A nonprofit that advocates against sexual exploitation praised Instagram’s reported decision to suspend Pornhub, citing the move as proof that the social media company acknowledges the severity of the accusations” - CPost

It’s Time to Remember Tolkien

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“Tolkien knew that the alternative, the grasp for ultimate power, meant that the contest between good and evil would be transformed into a contest between evils. The raw quest for power will corrupt all it touches.” - David French

The Tale of the Two Builders

TylerR ⁃

Recently, our family drove from Washington State to Tennessee, to drop our oldest son off at college. One day, in the wilderness of western Colorado, I spied a shiny new Corvette ahead of me. It was plodding along at about 65 mph on a stretch of interstate where the speed limit was 80 mph. Yet, there he stayed—at 65 mph.

“Establish the Work of Our Hands”

SharperIron ⁃

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. (NKJV, Ge 2:15)

In all labor there is profit, But mere talk leads only to poverty. (NASB20, Pr 14:23)

I went by the field of a slacker and by the vineyard of one lacking sense. 31 Thistles had come up everywhere, weeds covered the ground, and the stone wall was ruined. 32 I saw, and took it to heart; I looked, and received instruction: 33 a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the arms to rest, 34 and your poverty will come like a robber, and your need, like a bandit. (CSB, Pr 24:30–34)

FBBC Enrollment Climbs to Highest Level in Over a Decade

LGCarpenter ⁃

FBBC added 161 total new students this fall, filling the dorms to capacity and forcing the conversion of some Faith-owned apartments into student living space. The growing pains are a welcome challenge for Faith’s administration.

Faith News

Franklin Graham eulogizes Mikhail Gorbachev: ‘Grateful’ for former Soviet Union leader

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“Gorbachev ‘played a critical role, along with U.S. President Ronald Reagan, in bringing down the Iron Curtain and ending the Cold War.’” - CPost

John MacArthur, James White, et al release Frankfurt Declaration on government abuse of power

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“The 2,000-word document has received signatures so far from notable figures including John MacArthur, Tom Buck, Voddie Baucham, Phil Johnson, James Coates, and James White.” - C.Leaders

The Declaration

Winner Announcement: TGC’s Essay Contest for Young Adults

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“I had the privilege of reading the submissions to TGC’s 2022 Essay Contest for Young Adults. Nearly 200 young writers submitted original essays, and the editorial team reviewed them.” - TGC

How Do We Prepare Students for the Real World?

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“We are looking at our job … through a shattered mirror where work, in its brokenness, is unrecognizable from God’s original design. And this is where our graduates find themselves soon after adjusting their tassel: not in their dream job” - IFWE

Heaven Was Listening

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

The nation was desperate for leadership.

His improbable but swift ascent to fill the vacuum was as dramatic as it was unlikely. Humanly speaking, it was propelled solely at the behest of a praying mother.

Outside of her influence, the rest of his family’s situation was, to say the least, dysfunctional. In fact, the lessons that he learned there, as well as what he saw in his only other spiritual mentor, may have factored into the shortcomings that were evident in his own family later in life—the only ailments that hampered a career which otherwise succeeded all reasonable expectations.

Be Comforted in Your Smallness

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“I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” - Desiring God

Bad News: Reading the News Too Much Is Terrible For Your Mental Health

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“Some people get a little too caught up in the news, right? Not you, of course…. just in case, you might want to check into a new study from Taylor and Francis, that found compulsive news consumption is a true terror for your mental health and even takes a toll on your physical health.” - Relevant

New survey shows US Muslims have negative stereotypes about themselves

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“American Muslims scored 26 on the Islamophobia Index, which measures a group’s endorsement of anti-Muslim stereotypes” - RNS

Erasing pro-life Christians of color

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“A post-Dobbs narrative breezily associates all anti-abortion activism and policies with racism….Of course, pro-lifers know the truth is precisely the opposite. ” - RNS

The Church: Universal and Local

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“On one page, Jesus says that he will build his church, and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18)…. a couple pages later, the young believer encounters Jesus telling the disciples they should address unresolved sin by telling it ‘to the church’ (Matt. 18:17).” - 9 Marks

From the Archives – Church Discipline: The Correction of a Believer or the Excommunication of an Unbeliever? (Part 3)

R. Bruce Compton ⁃

Harmonizing Matthew 18:15–17, 1 Corinthians 5:1–13, and 2 Thessalonians 3:6–15

(From Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal (DBSJ), Volume 20: 2015. Used with permission. Read the series.)

2 Thessalonians 3:6–15