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Biblical Principles for New Managers

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“I’ve recently been promoted…. I’m finding the transition challenging, especially since I need to manage my former colleagues. I understand why it’s hard for them to respect me—in some cases, they know more than I do! What’s the best way to approach this?” - TGC

Stop Applauding Pastors Who Publicly Confess Their Sins

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“In the accounts of Chandler’s actions, I looked for one thing and, sure enough, saw that after he confessed to his congregation, the church gave him an ovation.” - CToday

NAE announces 4th Bless Your Pastor campaign and western U.S. tour to encourage pastors

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“National research by the Barna Group indicates that pastors are discouraged, with 43 percent of pastors saying that they have given serious consideration to leaving vocational ministry.” - RNS

Also in recent NAE news: NAE Releases Climate Change Report, Urges a Biblical Mandate for Action - C.Leaders

New stories on New Apostolic Reformation, Sean Feucht keep assuming a right-wing takeover

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“…the NAR is not this conspiratorial, worldwide, monolithic, demonic movement. As part of the mix, she does mention Sean Feucht…. Feucht is many things both good and bad, but he’s not NAR.” - GetReligion

Rick Warren Delivers Final Sermon as Pastor of Saddleback Church

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“Warren closed over 40 years as Saddleback’s pastor by re-delivering the first sermon he preached when the church began in March of 1980.” - C.Leaders

Charles Spurgeon on the Call to Ministry

Micah Colbert ⁃

“That hundreds have missed their way and stumbled against a pulpit is sorrowfully evident from the fruitless ministries and decaying churches around us. It is a fearful calamity to a man to miss his calling, and to the church whom he imposes himself, his mistake involves an affliction of the most grievous kind” – Charles Spurgeon

How does a man know if he is called to ministry? What exactly is a ministry call? What are the evidences or signs that someone has been called to preach?

Is starting an evangelistic witness with Romans 3:23 legitimate?

RajeshG ⁃

Are there any evangelistic accounts in Scripture that begin with the person that is doing the evangelism telling the people that he is evangelizing that they all have sinned? If not, what basis is there, if any, to think that Romans 3:23 is a legitimate verse to use to start evangelizing someone?

Poll Results

Is starting an evangelistic witness with Romans 3:23 legitimate?

Only Use Authority in the Fear of God

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“Is all authority—by virtue of one person having power over another person—in its very nature, abusive? I ask these questions in a day when accounts of sad experiences with abusive pastors are all too common.” - Mark Dever

Should We be Focused on Redeeming the Culture?

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“The tenor of scriptural prophecy that tells us that God’s people will take the gospel effectively to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), does not indicate that there will be gradual warming to God’s people as we move forward toward the Kingdom.” - Kevin Schaal

Why Google’s LaMDA AI Is Not Sentient and Why It Matters

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“what if we do manage to create a language model that can’t be distinguished from a human; a model that passes the Turing test?… Even if the AI is not sentient, the implications are serious.” - Reasons

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence at the Intersection of Original Writing

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Quillbot “suggests its main use would be for someone to improve their own writing…. Instead of the difficult work of understanding and then putting an author’s words into your own words, this tool allows students to automate the process.” - DBTS Blog

Federal appeals court rejects ‘transgender mandate’

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“The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans blocked Aug. 26 a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rule that required doctors and hospitals to perform gender-transition procedures, as well as abortions.” - BPNews

Matt Chandler to take leave of absence following ‘inappropriate messaging’

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“The Village Church announced Sunday (Aug. 28) that lead pastor Matt Chandler will take a leave of absence from teaching and preaching following his admission to ‘inappropriate messaging’ with a woman on Instagram.” - BPnews

The Nashville Statement is five years old this week

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“Known as The Nashville Statement, it was sponsored by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.” - CPost

“Rise and fall of Fauci illustrates death of ‘expertise’”

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“As members of the institutions both tout and hide behind their credentialism, their obviously ideological positions shred the public’s faith in their credentials. The rise and fall of Anthony Fauci is illustrative of this trend.” - CPost

Following HSAC Recommendation, DHS Terminates Disinformation Governance Board

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“Statement from the Department of Homeland Security following the recommendation from the Homeland Security Advisory Council regarding the Disinformation Governance Board” - DHS

Relevant: Homeland Security Advisory Council Disinformation Subcommittee Final Report - DHS

State abortion bans continue to take effect; clinics decrease

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“Laws took effect Thursday (Aug. 25) in Idaho, Tennessee and Texas to bring to 14 the number of states that have enacted prohibitions on either all abortions except those to protect the life of the mother or on those when a fetal heartbeat can be detected” - BPNews

Christianity Today writer: Christians shouldn’t kill Christians—even on death row

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“I believe we should oppose the death penalty because it involves the retributive killing of our siblings in Christ. This argument, while not new, is often overlooked.” - CToday

Museum of the Bible returns 1,000-year-old handwritten Gospel manuscript to Greek Monastery

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“Bulgarian forces absconded with the manuscript in 1917 during World War I” - CPost

Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 17)

Paul Henebury ⁃

Read the series.

Looking Deeper into the Problems with Covenant Theology (3)

2. CT starts its reading of the Bible in the wrong place.

Why Our Church Moved from Elder-Rule Polity to Elder-Led Congregationalism

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“Put simply, because Jesus said so. Five words compelled us to make the shift: ‘tell it to the church’ (Matt. 18:17).” - 9 Marks

SBC pastor pay stuck at same level since 2018

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“A study conducted by Lifeway Research along with GuideStone and Baptist state conventions found compensation for full-time Southern Baptist senior pastors has remained flat over the past four years, while the total pay package has decreased.” - BPNews

What if mass media can't get rid of misinformation (or agree on what the term means)?

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“Educate youngsters on how to ‘spot lies, think critically, and ask questions,’ using programs like those at Media Literacy Now. As for social media, instead of censorship or de-platforming, the cyber-pros need to provide audiences full context on what specific source, perhaps a paid or self-interested group or a pathetic mischief-maker, lies behind what they post.” - Get Religion

Americans more likely to say it’s a bad thing than a good thing that more young adults live with their parents

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“The share of young adults in the United States who are living with a parent has grown considerably in recent decades, a trend that many Americans see as bad for society” - Pew

Why a Free Market Is Best for Human Flourishing

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“a billion people have escaped extreme poverty since 1990, owing to the embrace of free markets. It’s no coincidence that this dramatic decline in poverty occurred as the Soviet Union’s Marxist-Leninist experiment imploded.” - TIFWE

‘Written for Our Learning’

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

I wish I could say that I that I was one of those smart kids who always loved history. Yet, in one sense, I guess that I did—although perhaps without realizing it.

I was always enthralled with old black-and-white television shows that whisked me to an earlier time that seemed both simpler and, yet, exhilarating. I found many aspects of the past fascinating. I was particularly mesmerized by the Middle Ages—especially as they set the stage for the dawn of the Reformation.

Put a dry history book in front of me, though, and I would have been entirely unenthused—unless, perhaps, it was a volume about the history of sports.

Christian Colleges Look for ‘Missing Men’

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“Women in the US currently earn six out of every 10 degrees, and the gender gap has widened with the pandemic. Male undergraduate enrollment dropped by 5 percent in fall of 2020, compared to a less than 1 percent decrease among women.” - CToday

Judge stops Biden admin. from enforcing 'emergency' abortion mandate in Texas

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“A judge has temporarily blocked federal guidance requiring emergency medical care to include abortion in Texas where abortion is illegal except in medical emergencies, miscarriages or the removal of ectopic pregnancies.” - CPost

‘I Lost My Mom to Facebook’ How to Shepherd a Flock Being Formed by Algorithms

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“Pastors need to be aware that every day of the week their church members are being instructed—and, most likely, their mentor is an algorithm. Is it any surprise that the human shepherds are losing to the digital ones?” - TGC

Reasons to Celebrate in Hard Times (Psalm 103), Part 3: God Is Great

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“It’s often been said that if God is great but not good, we’re doomed to extinction; if he’s good but not great, then we’re doomed as well, because there’s nothing he can do about our needs.” - Olinger