“Below are the specific questions we asked, grouped into categories. We typically sent these questions out ahead of time for elder nominees to answer, then followed up with an interview by a few elders, and then before the whole elder team.” - 9 Marks
The Earliest Baptist Critics of the KJV: Leonard Busher (1614) and Henry Jessey (Part 1)
Reprinted with permission from As I See It, which is available free by writing to the editor at dkutilek@juno.com.
(An earlier form of this study was published in Baptist Biblical Heritage, volume 2, no. 1, Spring 1991, pp. 5-8. It appears here in revised and updated form)
Aesop had his fables, the brothers Grimm had their fairy tales, and certain self-styled “defenders of the faith” have their doctrine of an infallible English Bible translation.
6 Reasons Not to Cancel Church on Christmas
“1. It’s Sunday. Before anything else, it’s Sunday. This is the day the church gathers for worship. It’s not just Christmas, it’s a little Easter. 2. Christmas is about Jesus, not family.” - Ponder Anew
Christian Nationalism is Dangerous
“…those for whom Jesus is indeed Savior should know that Christian Nationalism is false. Nation-states are not ‘Christian’, people are. And, God has only one chosen nation, Israel” - Ken Brown
Day of Atonement: How Yom Kippur Points to Salvation in Christ
“Yom Kippur, commonly translated as the Day of Atonement….Of all the days marked out in Leviticus 23, this was the high point. On the Day of Atonement, the entire sacrificial system was rebooted.” - TGC
Can There Be a “Christian City?” Reflections on Doug Wilson and Moscow, Idaho
“I would recommend that Wilson read two books: Augustine’s ‘The City of God’ and Greg Boyd’s ‘The Myth of a Christian Nation.’ According to BOTH, before the return of Christ there can be no ‘City of God’ or “Christian Nation.” - Roger Olson
(Tip: For a much better experience in Microsoft Edge or Firefox, hit F9 to read articles in Immersive Reader/Reader View.)
Hymns, Hymnody, and Hymnals: Five Significant Trends
“1. More churches include at least one hymn in their worship services. …2. Congregational singing is as important as the worship style. …3. Hymnals are not rebounding even as hymns do. ” - Thom Rainer
United Methodists’ Native American International Caucus calls for end to Columbus Day
“The caucus is asking Congress to approve several bills replacing the federal holiday with Indigenous Peoples Day.” - RNS
Heavenly Wisdom vs. Earthly, Sensual, Devilish Wisdom
James 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.
In this verse, James clearly distinguishes heavenly wisdom from earthly, sensual, devilish wisdom. Correlating this statement with other passages concerning information that is demonic points us to the vital issue of our need to reject information, teaching, wisdom, etc. that is demonic.
No More “Nursing Fathers”: A Baptist Theological Rationale for Religious Liberty
“Backus’s theological rationale of liberty is not that every person should do what he desires, but that every person must reckon with God as an individual. Since authority is a good gift, given by God, submission to the authority of God is the only way to recover ‘the liberties of paradise.’” - London Lyceum
Does College Get in the Way of Education?
“A new book paints a dismal picture of the modern Academy and its failure to truly educate and not just indoctrinate. But are the authors’ solutions any better?” - Acton
Scripture Alone? What the Reformers Really Believed
“The Reformation didn’t ‘really say’ there were five solas. …Earlier Lutheran attempts at marketing only offered three: Scripture alone, grace alone, and faith alone. …When Philip Schaff wrote his 1845 book The Principle of Protestantism, he only had two.” - Desiring God
Administrators: Playing with Calculators or Building Up the Body of Christ?
“the average member of my church (and I’d assume other churches as well) does not have a good idea of what an administrative pastor actually does…. At the end of the day, good administration is necessary for a healthy church.” - 9 Marks
Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 21)
Read the series.
Looking Deeper into the Problems with Covenant Theology
7. By allowing their interpretations of the NT to have veto over the plain sense of the OT this outlook creates massive discontinuities between the wording of the two Testaments. This is all done for the sake of a contrived continuity demanded by the one-people of God concept of the Covenant of Grace.
Witnesses in Vatican mega trial paint bleak picture of how Secretariat managed funds
“Over a year into the proceedings, the Vatican mega-trial of 10 individuals accused of defrauding the Catholic institution’s finances through a controversial real estate deal began again this week” - RNS
Exvangelicals Cite ‘Rapture Anxiety’ as Source of Religious Trauma; Some Evangelicals Fire Back With Criticism
“April Ajoy, who spoke with CNN, said that she experienced fear that she would be left behind when the rapture came” - C.Leaders
Is America a Christian Nation?
“ ‘In God we trust’ was adopted without much controversy in the mid-twentieth century, as was the addition of ‘under God’ to the pledge of allegiance two years prior.” - Dale Chamberlain
Kevin DeYoung on Complementarians Who Support Women Preaching in Churches
“Is there biblical justification, given basic complementarian convictions, for the practice of women preaching sermons in a Sunday worship service?” - DeYoung
Stream the Luther Documentary for Free
“As we remember the impact of the Protestant Reformation this October, you can stream Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer for free on Ligonier’s YouTube channel.” - Ligonier
About once per month, I’m going to slowly write my way through a short commentary on the Letter to the Galatians. I’ll deliberately skip the usual analysis typical of this genre—no “scholarly” questions, text-critical issues, and minimal formal interaction with opposing viewpoints. I’ve taught through the book four times now, and feel I’m in a position to have something competent to say on the matter. My aim is to write for normal Christians who just want to know what the text means. So, here I stand.
“Saved” - The 5 letter word Christians hesitate to use
“The Scriptures, however, make it clear that when we come to the Savior, we are saved from the wrath to come (see 1 Thessalonians 1:10). That message is offensive because it paints God as being angry at sinners.” - Ray Comfort
What Kind of Church Hospitality Are People Looking For?
“I sensed, rather than saw, a person standing above me. I looked up into a frowning face….I finally whispered, ‘Is this your usual seat?’ The woman nodded, and I moved.” - Lifeway
Maybe Christianity is declining because of our obsession with BIG
“All of these efforts are laudable, and I’ve been involved in plenty of them. However, here’s an idea: Let’s just focus on reaching one person. That’s right. Just one.” - Phil Cooke
Review - The Manual: Getting Masculinity Right
“Al Stewart’s The Manual is a book to men, for men, and about men—a book about masculinity. And it’s a really good one.” - Challies
Healthy Distrust of Self
“Paul was not self-focused; he didn’t spend his days beating himself up mentally for his failures and shortcomings. But he did have a healthy distrust of his own inclinations, and he saw to it that the circumstantial doors to those inclinations were kept closed.” - Olinger
The Reformation at 500: The September Testament
As we continue to follow the events of the Reformation, 500 years later, we would be remiss if we failed to recall that half of a millennium has now passed since the dawn of the modern era of Bible translation. It began officially this month in 1522 with the release of the September Testament—the New Testament translated by Dr. Martin Luther into a language that he helped to form in Germany.
A placard at the Lutherhaus in Eisenach, Germany, captures the spirit of this endeavor: “Luther wanted the Bible to be understood. Everyone was supposed to be able to read God’s word on their own.”1
Where do you contribute (mostly) for disaster relief?
With a severe hurricane afflicting Florida and an endless barrage of one disaster after another, where do you contribute (when you do contribute — none of us can keep up with them all) to disaster relief? Or perhaps your giving is totally designated toward organizations (like a mission’s organization) that are not noted for significant relief work. Relief for victims from the war in Ukraine, BTW, would also be count as relief.
Many of us might give to more than one category, but if there is one where most of your giving is directed, please choose that.
Comments appreciated. Feel free to list any specific organization and why you like it.
Southwestern prof on Russian Orthodox Patriarch: war, indulgences, “when church and state get too cozy with one another”
“The pronouncement of Patriarch Kirill is little different than the sort of indulgences that Martin Luther fought against in the Reformation,” - BPNews
Died: Brother Andrew, Who Smuggled Bibles into Communist Countries
“Founder of Open Doors said he wasn’t an “evangelical stuntman” but a faithful Christian following the leading of the Spirit.” - C.Today