Baxter (1615–1691), as the late J.I. Packer has described him, “usually called himself his people’s teacher, and teaching was to his mind the minister’s main task.” - Desiring God
Changing Subjects: The Alleged Matt Chandler “Scandal”
“…unless and until more specific information comes to light we cannot judge the legitimacy of the accusation and resulting forced ‘stepping aside’ of Chandler.” - Roger Olson
The Art of Debate as the Road to Healing
“Overall, Voth’s book is a helpful contribution to both the field of communications and the debate community. He explores a theoretical concept and applies it to the world practically and clearly.” - Acton
From the Archives – Psalm 8 In the New Testament
Written by David, Psalm 8 extols the majesty of the Lord and reaffirms that man is expected to rule over God’s creation.
The first and last verse of the psalm both declare the greatness of God—“O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth!” (Ps. 8:1, 9). So God’s glory is at the forefront. But this psalm also declares the exalted position mankind has in God’s purposes concerning the earth. Psalm 8:4-8 states:
Dept. of Homeland Security appoints a new 25-member security faith advisory council
“The council, consisting of clergy from Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh faiths, will assist the department in evaluating the effectiveness of security-related programs.” - RNS
The Curious Case of Coronavirus Contagion in Church
“The ‘association between attending in-person worship during lockdown and later testing positive for COVID-19 was limited primarily to those who were not previously frequent worship attendees,’ according to a study published in the American Sociological Association journal Socius.” - C.Today
New museum exhibit seeks to show Samaritans are more than a biblical parable
“ ‘The Samaritans: A Biblical People,’ opened Sept. 16 at the Museum of the Bible and includes artifacts spanning from the second century before the Common Era to contemporary paintings made in the past couple of years.” - RNS
A 50-year TV flashback – Why 'The Waltons' wasn't afraid of religious faith
“The story explores how the series delved into spiritual themes at a time when the TV networks tended to avoid them. As for the reason, Thomas points to the show’s creator, the late Earl Hamner Jr., on whose life the fictional series is based” - GetReligion
Top 5 Heresies Among American Evangelicals
“It’s 2022, but Arianism and Pelagianism are steadily making a comeback, according to the State of Theology report.” - C.Today
2022 Issue of DBTS Journal Released
“This year’s issue contains six articles and two dozen book reviews. The articles can be downloaded individually or the entire issue can be downloaded as a single pdf if you prefer.” - DBTS Blog
Review – The Words of the Covenant: A Biblical Theology (Volume I – Old Testament Expectation)
Review: The Words of the Covenant: A Biblical Theology (Volume I – Old Testament Expectation) by Paul Martin Henebury, Maitland, Florida: Xulon Press Elite, 467 pages; reviewed by Ed Vasicek
What Christian Colleges Can Glean from the Supreme Court’s ‘Yeshiva’ Case
“The latest ruling looks like bad news for evangelical higher education, but it’s not.” - C.Today
Are American Christians on the path to severe persecution for their faith?
“While we cannot deny that Christians in America today experience discomforts, inconveniences and sometimes even social ostracization, these instances simply do not rise to the level of the horror that countless global Christians face every day.” - RNS
The “Billy Graham rule” and Confusion about Boundaries between Men and Women in Churches
“We at Church Answers have received several questions in light of recent issues of moral failure and, most recently, communication with someone of the opposite sex. …Perhaps we can mostly agree on a few tenets that, taken together, can help guard our hearts, minds, and integrity.” - Thom Rainer
A Savior Who Knows What It Is to Weep
“He told Martha, ‘Your brother will rise again’ (11:23) but He did not say to Martha, ‘Don’t grieve.’ He is the Resurrection and the Life, but He weeps with Martha and Mary over their loss.” - Colin Smith
Strategy Questions Divide Pro-Life Politics After ‘Dobbs’
“What’s the best way to oppose abortion? Some pursue a national ban while others object that ‘plays into liberals’ hands.’” - C.Today
National Conservatism Conference puts the best and worst of the GOP on display
“There are real debates about subjects like masculinity and media bias, and conservatism may have something to say about them, but it will need more worthy messengers.” - RNS
Ligonier Ministries’ 2022 State of Theology survey “provides eye-opening insights.”
Some excerpts… Think “God learns and adapts to different circumstances”: U.S. Adults 51%, Evangelicals 48%. Think “Everyone is born innocent in the eyes of God”: U.S. Adults 71%, Evangelicals 65%. - Ligonier Article, and The Survey
Help! I Messed Up with My Kids’ Technology
“If I’d known how bad social media was going to be for my kids, I would never have given them a phone. They’re older now—in their late teens and early 20s—and are wrestling with issues like eating disorders, addiction, and sexuality. I feel like I totally messed up. What can I do?” - TGC
NAE Survey: 48% of Evangelical leaders report being canceled for views or ‘guilt by association’
“NAE’s July/August Evangelical Leaders Survey revealed that 48% of Evangelical leaders said they have been ‘canceled’ by others ‘as a way of expressing their disapproval for the leader or the leader’s point of view.’” - C.Post
Discipleship in the Wilderness: Helping Our Fellow Believers Live Out the Pursuits of Psalm 63 (Part 1)
From Faith Pulpit, Winter 2016-2017. Used with permission.
In the July/August issue of The Baptist Bulletin, Dr. Jeff Newman published an article titled “Dependence in the Wilderness.” In that article, Dr. Newman explored Psalm 63 and its implications for growth during difficult circumstances. This article builds on this previous work by applying the Biblical concepts to discipleship ministries. For a more thorough study of these concepts, refer to his book, Dependence in the Wilderness (Regular Baptist Press, 2015).
Fuller Theological Seminary Has a New President
“Goatley…says he wants to counter the ‘partisan poison’ he sees in American evangelicalism….He will be the first Black president at the 75-year-old institution.” - C.Today
College of the Ozarks continues legal battle against HUD trans discrimination policy
The college asked the 8th Circuit “to rehear its case against an order from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that defines housing discrimination based on sex also to include sexual orientation and gender identity.” - CPost
NBC News promotes its own Satanism-scare report, which is itself a kind of scare-news device
“Yes, QAnon believers allege all kinds of wild things about Satan’s work in American politics. This is not the same thing as the scores of mainstream believers… who will testify that they see the work of the Devil in some mind, body and spirit warping trends in modern life.” - GetReligion
Pew: As more states legalize the practice, 19% of U.S. adults say they have bet money on sports in the past year
“Despite the growth of commercial sports betting in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2018 ruling, the most common way that Americans bet on sports is with friends or family, according to the Center’s survey, which was fielded July 5-17 among 6,034 adults.” - Pew
Maynard Belt with the Lord
“Maynard was president of the Fellowship of Missions since 2011. Previously he was state representative of the Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches from 1990 to 2006—the longest tenure of any MARBC representative” - GARBC
Daniel: Revealer of Secrets (Part 1)
I have a friend and counselor in ancient Babylon.
I have turned to him countless times for wisdom, strength and direction. In fact, he has foreseen the future, and has instructed me carefully regarding “days yet to come” (Dan. 10:14).
I am always amazed at his dedication, courage, faithfulness and prayerfulness. What an example he offers of trusting God during incredible difficulties!
His Hebrew name means “God is my judge,” and it is a name that has become common in our own culture. His name is Daniel.
Christian Celebrity Isn’t a Problem to Fix, But an Eye to Gouge Out
“Katelyn Beaty’s critique of evangelical fame-worship [Celebrities for Jesus: How Personas, Platforms, and Profits Are Hurting the Church] is wise but overly tame.” - C.Today
“Judge Not” – Matthew 7:1 is one of the most needed and one of the most abused statements in the Bible
“First, ‘judge not’ means that we should measure others the way that we would want to be measured. No one wants weighted scales to be used against them, or an unfair measuring stick that is too short or too long. We all want to be evaluated fairly and consistently.” - Kevin DeYoung