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Study: 90% of US clergy respondents favor medical treatment for depression

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“The National Survey of Religious Leaders asked 890 people whose primary job is as a clergy leader…Published this week in JAMA Psychiatry” - RNS

Don’t Women Need Access to Abortion for Rape?

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“How would you respond to that argument? Here are three arguments to consider” - Naselli

The Need for a Robust Understanding of Congregational Singing

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“Today, January 13, we remember the Hussites who, on this day in 1501, published the first hymnal in history written in the language of the common people.” - Breakpoint

This Month Marks the 67th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Five Missionaries in Ecuador

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“Steve Saint texted me last Sunday, reminding me that it was the 67th anniversary of the death of his father Nate Saint and the other missionary martyrs in Ecuador: Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Roger Youderian, and Pete Fleming.” - Randy Alcorn

Does an Elder Have to be “Able to Teach?” (1 Timothy 3:2)

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Yes, but… “this word does not necessitate skillful communication, much less require an elder to speak from the front of a room.” - Kenneth Berding

Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 26)

Paul Henebury ⁃

Read the series.

Looking Deeper into the Problems with Covenant Theology

12. CT is implicitly supercessionist in its eschatology.

This final problem with Covenant Theology is vehemently denied by more and more who adopt its ideas. They will feel aggrieved by the accusation that CT teaches replacement theology. That is, CT’s today will object strongly when they are characterized as teaching that the Church has taken over the covenant blessings God gave to the nation of Israel. According to Sam Storms,

Lifeway announces next-gen ‘Hyfi’ curriculum designed to ‘flip the script’

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“Chuck Peters, director of Lifeway Kids, called Hyfi a needed resource that will help ‘flip the script’ for churches seeking to reach kids and students in an increasingly secularized society.” - C.Index

Who says you can’t show students a portrait of Muhammad?

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“more than 13,000 scholars and students in the humanities — including many Muslims — have signed an open letter of protest addressed to Hamline’s board of trustees. …. ‘one of the most egregious violations of academic freedom in recent memory’ ” - RNS

Peter’s Words for the Christians Who Stormed Brazil’s Capital

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“ ‘in your hearts revere Christ as Lord’ immediately orders our priorities and asks us to check ourselves for idolatry. Notably Peter is writing to people who believe in Jesus….This includes not only believing in Jesus but also following his word and example in our actions.” - CToday

A call for Protestant intellectual leadership: Benedict and a passing moment of Catholic influence

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“As Rome’s luster dims in the years ahead, Protestants must seize their opportunity to once again assert intellectual leadership of Western Christianity, defending creedal and moral orthodoxy with scholarly rigor, rhetorical clarity, and pastoral grace in the midst of a confused and darkening world.” - World

Stand for Life launches with ERLC help

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“In addition to the ERLC, Stand for Life’s “collective partners” are Alliance Defending Freedom, Embrace Grace, Heartbeat International, Human Coalition, Lifeline Children’s Services, Live Action and Save the Storks.” - BPNews

Church Attendance Dropped Among Young People, Singles, Liberals

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“Overall, most churchgoers—including most white evangelicals—returned to the pews after the pandemic, survey finds.” - CToday

Training Up Men for the Church, Part 2

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By Tim Sigler. Reposted, with permission, from Voice. Read Part 1.

9 Proofs You’re More Than Matter

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“At this very moment, you’re doing at least nine things that prove you’re more than a hunk of mindless matter.” - TGC

About Those “Angel Numbers”

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“…you fill up your car with gas and it comes to exactly $77.77. Some would see such things as completely random, but to others, the repeating numeric sequences are known as ‘angel numbers’ and are filled with meaning and significance as signs of ‘confirmation’ and ‘directionality.’” - Church & Culture

The Outspoken CEO Is a Rapidly Dying Breed

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“Companies are rethinking a recent willingness to publicly wade into contentious issues. And who can blame them?” - Bloomberg

South Carolina’s largest UMC church set to leave denomination

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“For the past several years the church has been active in the Wesleyan Covenant Association, the group that birthed the rival Global Methodist Church last year.” - RNS

Can (Should?) Ukraine Win the War?

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“Those who would have Ukraine negotiate with Russia assume that by doing so, the costs of conflict could be avoided, rather than paid in a different currency—through ongoing crimes of the Russian regime.” - Providence

Hard Evidence for a Supernatural Book, Part 1: On Being Reasoned About a Crazy Claim

DOlinger ⁃

As a conservative Christian, I talk a lot about what the Bible says. Sometimes I even try to settle arguments with it (graciously, of course ????).

There’s a reason for that: conservatives believe that the Bible is the Word of God—that the words in the original languages of the Old and New Testaments are the very words that God spoke through the human authors, through a process called inspiration. In fact, the very first line of the doctrinal statement for the college where I teach is “I believe in the inspiration of the Bible, both the Old and the New Testaments.”

“ ...we see a move back to smaller church gatherings”

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“…the majority of churchgoers do attend larger churches. So, we understand the objection….We would rather partner with smaller churches to help them reach more people rather than assume they don’t have the capability to grow.” - Thom Rainer

Was America Ever Christian? Founding, Awakening, and a Common Myth

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“John Randolph of Roanoke (1773–1833) had no confidence that America was, or ever had been, a Christian republic.” - Desiring God

Most Abortions Illegal in 14 States After Idaho, South Carolina Rulings

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“With the latest rulings, abortions are banned in 13 states and limited to six weeks in Georgia, according to abortion tracking sites such as the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).” - C.Leaders

Sexual abuse hotline, ‘fully confidential,’ task force says

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“The SBC’s Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF), the SBC Executive Committee (EC) and Guidepost Solutions have issued statements dealing with allegations of breaches of confidentiality within the hotline established by the SBC Executive Committee” - BPNews

Recant or Leave: Mobs Expel Christians in Central India

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“Hindu extremists in Chhattisgarh burn down churches and homes and attack tribal believers.” - CToday

Do you believe Christian romance novels are appropriate?

Ed Vasicek ⁃

Women are more likely to have interest in romance novels than men, although some men do enjoy the genre. A few years back, someone donated a bunch of Christian romance novels for the fiction section of our church library, and we received them and cataloged them. There were, however, some who (years) later objected.

Professions of Faith at Crusades: Good News or Reason for Doubt?

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“…there will always be those who aren’t really regenerated. Likewise, there will always those who WILL be.” - Randy Alcorn

Stewarding Our Mind: How Should We Use Our Free Time?

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“It is necessary that we take time to rest and enjoy healthy entertainment, but a problem arises if mindless entertainment controls the majority of the only eight hours of the day we have control over.” - IFWE

True Liberty Demands Respectful Disagreement

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“Persons who believe that the truth is so easily discovered often react with moral revulsion against conservatives and reactionaries who disagree with them. Since truth is so intellectually clear, [they reason,] those who do not see it must be persons of bad will. Daily experience teaches that this is not so.” - Acton

What to Say When You Don’t Have the Full Story

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“Frequently in the church and maybe especially in ministry, we’re told about a challenging situation and invited to make a response. And often we know only one small part of the whole story.” - TGC

Should We Still Use Gospel Tracts?

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“Evangelism is central to the church’s mission. But some methods are decidedly more effective than others.” - Kainos