“The point of this article is not to knock short-term work…. but to remind all of us that long-term missions is costly—and it’s worth it.” - 9 Marks
Should Christians Be Snarky on Social Media?
“I’m as guilty as anybody, but in almost every case, I immediately feel badly about it. I may feel great for a moment, but the minute I hit ‘Send,’ conviction starts creeping in.” - Phil Cooke
Pastors Around the World Apply Romans 13
“I reached out to church leaders from around the world, asking how they apply Paul’s command to ‘be subject to the governing authorities’ (Rom. 13:1). These believers hail from all sorts of countries” - TGC
15 Signs a Christian Leader Has Become a King Rather than a Servant
“7. He demands unquestioned loyalty. Even the slightest sign of disagreement is considered rebellion…. 14. He regularly tears down others who lead effective ministries.” - Chuck Lawless
Colorado appeals court rules against Jack Phillips in trans cake case; baker to appeal
“… affirming an earlier trial court decision …concluding that the baker violated the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act by not creating a cake to celebrate a person’s new trans identity.” - CPost
Four Lessons From Four Years (Part 2)
Last time, I began sharing some of the main lessons I have learned through the first four years of my service as a church ministries representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.
In Part One, I wrote about the need to multiply our ministry’s effectiveness, and also regarding the importance of relationships in ministry. I would like to share two more lessons in this concluding installment.
The first relates to the necessity we have to make a greater and more intentional and effective use of media.
Is It Selfish to Spend Money on Home Decor?
“The first shared activity for the freed slaves was the construction of the tabernacle—a community art project!” - TGC
Is transhumanism compatible with Christianity?
“We cannot naively assume this is only about improving the human condition when the result permanently alters what it means to be human.” - CPost
Should Christians Support Making Birth Free?
“In the wake of Roe’s 50th anniversary, four believing experts discuss the merits and challenges of the Make Birth Free proposal.” - C.Today
Related: Making It Easier to Have a Child Doesn’t Require Making Birth Free - IFS and How the GOP Can Make Childbirth Affordable Without Breaking the Bank - The Dispatch (paywalled)
Leave the Throne of Guilt: Three Better Reasons to Pray
“Calloused knees. Prayer closet. Answered prayers. Prayer warrior. These four phrases don’t exactly trigger me with spiritual PTSD, but they do represent markers in my journey of moving from prayer-guilt into the grace of praying.” - Desiring God
Should Christians Care About Culture?
“Why does it matter that we have biblical views on business or healthcare or science or education? Why should we work for a biblical view of economics?” - IFWE
Ross Douthat on American Religion and Where Martin Luther was Right and Wrong
“Douthat and Moore consider what it looks like for Christians to engage civically without surrendering to the relentless urgency of the political cycle” - Moore to the Point
When Kids Ask the Tough Questions
“I was excited that the pre-teen asked this tough question. It led to a great time of discussion and engagement.” - C.Leaders
Hard Evidence for a Supernatural Book, Part 3: Too Many Cooks
Read the series.
And so we come to the evidence: objective evidence that the Bible is, um, unnatural, extraordinary, not like any other books. I’d suggest two lines of such evidence; we’ll look at the first one today, and a related topic later in the week. Next week, we’ll get to Door Number 2.
Common Grace Is Special Too
“The symphony of creation whispers of God. Proverbs 8:30–36 teaches that God’s wisdom is embedded in the fabric of creation, and when we thread ourselves into the same fabric, we’re blessed.” - TGC
Two Florida Residents Indicted on Federal Charges in Connection with Pregnancy Resource Center Attacks
“The DOJ alleges the pair violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACES) Act, which prohibits the use of any type of force or intimidation against anyone seeking an abortion or anyone exercising their First Amendment right of religious freedom.” - N.Review
‘Not a real schism’: Four years later, UMC exodus less a gush, more a trickle
“An analysis of departing churches suggests the country’s second-largest Protestant denomination will be weakened, but it is unlikely to break.” - RNS
Love & Discernment: Hospitality and the LGBTQ+ Person
“LGBTQ+ people are people. They are made in the image of God and worthy of dignity and respect…. don’t overcomplicate things. What are ways, in general, we can grow in making people feel welcome?” - 9 Marks
Eternity, Death, and Freedom: an interesting exchange among Twitter elites
“…since becoming ‘free’ (at the initial fall), mankind has sought to idolize freedom. The ironic truth is that freedom exists only where autonomy is released (John 8:36; 2 Cor 3:17; Gal 5:1, 13).” - DBTS Blog
11 Christianese Words and Phrases We Should Retire
‘Bless This Food to Our Bodies’…‘I Covet Your Prayers’…‘Love On…’‘The Culture’… - C.Leaders
The Beauty and Danger of Normalcy
“…the history of evangelical ministry is filled with examples of spectacular, theatric, and entertaining methodology. Since so few Christians have a working knowledge of our history, we continue to fall prey to the next big thing.” - Ken Brown
“I Prayed about It”
“They asked him, ‘Lord, shall we strike with the sword?’ [Luke 22:39-53] Is it time to fight, Lord? … This is, in essence, a prayer.” - SBC Voices
Is Systematic Theology Helpful?
“1. Read theology to feed your love, not your pride…. 2. Read theology with an open Bible…. 3. Read theology prayerfully….4. Read theology with faith in Christ. Christ is the Word, the revealer of God” - Ligonier
Rising Spiritual Openness in America
“three out of four (74%) say they want to grow spiritually. Additionally, the same proportion (77%) say they believe in a higher power.” - Barna
In Church Planting, More Money Means More People
“…the smaller the launch, the slower or less likely a church is to be financially self-sustaining.” - CToday
Cannabis Is Just a Placebo
“Recently, National Geographic covered the growing trend of experts now questioning the efficacy of marijuana as a treatment for what it is most commonly prescribed: pain relief.” - Breakpoint
Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 27): Summation (1)
Read the series.
Covenant Theology and the Bible
In an article at TableTalk Stephen G. Myers writes,
Covenant theology seeks to use the biblically prominent covenants to inform our knowledge of God and of His work. Specifically, covenant theology contends that God has been working throughout history to gather His people to Himself through covenantal relationship.
Which of the following is the hardest doctrine for new believers or less committed Christians to accept?
I believe a lot of things I would rather not believe. There are things about God I do not particularly like, but I realize the problem is mine. The God of the Bible and the teachings of the Word can be offensive or painful to embrace. Which is the hardest? Yours might not be on the list, so please choose from the list but then feel free to comment.
The question relates not to the world at large, but young, new, or less mature believers. This is obviously based upon your experiences and observations, and is about the situaiton in the now, not the past.
Poll Results
Which of the following is the hardest doctrine for new believers or less committed Christians to accept?
Rinse, Repeat: Should Believers Be Dunked Again?
“When we question the legitimacy of our baptism experiences, we are essentially wondering whether we have crossed this boundary. Do we belong to the family of God?” - CToday