NKJV Copyright
Scripture identified as “NKJV” is taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
China: An idolatrous state tries to smother the church
“each of China’s major religious organizations recently published five-year work plans to ‘sinicize… the interpretation of religious doctrines, sermons, rituals, and architectural styles of places of worship in order to conform to the CCP’s ideological and policy requirements.’” - World
Against the Lenten Frenzy...“What makes a worship gathering successful?”
“The ‘Super Bowl Sunday’ of the modern church calendar is marked to proclaim the victory of Christ, but with that date comes very specific ideas of success and uniquely heavy burdens required to achieve them.” - C.Today
How Well Does ChatGPT Understand Christian Theology?
“For my part, I was curious about how well ChatGPT could articulate fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Could the AI chatbot pass a test of Christian orthodoxy?” - Dale Chamberlain
A Tale of Two Culture Wars
“While there were sharp political and theological differences between the Social Gospel and Christian right movements, their similarities are underappreciated and provide warnings about tying Christianity to a particular political platform.” - Providence
Pew: 70% of White evangelical parents say it’s very important that their kids have similar religious beliefs to theirs
“Fewer Catholic (35%) and White non-evangelical Protestant parents (29%) say this is extremely or very important to them.” - Pew
Divine Selectivity in Worship: What Should We Believe?
In various ways, Scripture reveals that God has been selective in what He has accepted from humans in worship:
1. Any stone altars that were made of any hewn stones have been polluted altars, and all worship offered therefore on any such altars has been unacceptable
2. Leaven could be used in in one kind of offering but not in another
3. Honey could not be used in any offerings by fire
Based on this data and other data that I plan to present in this thread, I would like to discuss what we should believe about divine selectivity in worship in areas about which God may not have given such specific revelation.
Jesus Teaches the Old Testament: The Importance of Jewish Roots Studies, Part 1
What is the big deal about Jewish Roots? How can we better understand Jesus by examining the debates of His day? Why should we care if He derived some of His teaching from Old Testament passages?
The answer is simple: context. Jewish Roots studies can contribute toward increasing the Biblical context; when we increase context, we increase understanding.
As a conservative evangelical, I hold the Scriptures in high regard. My reverence for the Scriptures means I seek to interpret them fairly, using a method described by the term, “Historical-Grammatical.” Norman Geisler comments in The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics:
Recommended New Testament Commentaries for Evangelical Pastors
“Some of the commentaries listed below are excellent in some respects, but argue for critical views that are unpersuasive. Commentaries with an asterisk (*) require a knowledge of the Greek text.” - 9 Marks
What Does the Bible Say about the Big Bang?
“The expansion of the universe is not chaotic; it is extraordinarily fine-tuned. Decades ago, Robert Dicke… calculated that for physical life to be possible in the universe, the cosmic expansion rate must be fine-tuned to within one part in 1055” - Reasons to Believe
Why I Switched from the NIV to the CSB (Christian Standard Bible)
“…does a good job balancing what the reader needs to know with the reader’s need to keep reading. They give the formal rendering if at all possible, but if not possible, they’ll give a functional rendering, often with a footnote about the formal translation.” - Word by Word
Do people who claim to want churches to stay out of politics include their own?
“There’s a simple story out there that Americans don’t want religion mixing in politics. The reality is that they don’t want other people’s religion mixing with their politics.” - GetReligion
Over Half of Gen Z Teens Feel Motivated to Learn More About Jesus
“Data from The Open Generation: United States… show that U.S. teens are largely interested in learning more about Jesus throughout their life.” - Barna
Galatians Commentary (No. 4)
This is part of a commentary series through the Book of Galatians. It began with Galatians 3:1-6. This series will progress until the book is finished, then circle back and cover ch. 1-2. This article covers Galatians 3:23-29.
Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed.
Galatians 3:23
Has your church in-person attendance recovered from the COVID decline?
Soon it will be three years since we were quarantined. While many churches still live stream as a result (like we do) and gained some out of town viewers, many churches I know of (including ours) have not bounced back when it comes to in-person attendance. But it might simply be that the little churches are shrinking while bigger ones are growing. Or not? What is your church in-person attendance situation since the quarantine?
Poll Results
Has your church in-person attendance recovered from the COVID decline?