“It’s easy to stand up and rail against other people’s sins in a way that can cause your congregation…to think ‘Man he is really hard against sin,’ when in reality, we’re just hard against other people’s sins” - Word by Word
Five ways to think about your 2023 goals
“Memorize at least two scriptures per month. I wish I didn’t view this goal as a unique one, but I recognize the struggle with this discipline.” - BPNews
CT: 10 News Stories That Made Us Happy in 2022
“Innovation, evangelism, and other developments worth celebrating over the past year.” - CToday
Reasons for despair — and hope — for traditional religious views’ place on campus
“The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, group that protects free speech on campus, recently tweeted out that ‘Christmas came early’ for MIT when their faculty approved a statement in favor of robust expression and academic freedom.” - RNS
An Honest Evaluation of a Year
If I had it to do over again….
How many times have we thought that way? If you’re like me, probably more than you would like to count.
If we had it to do over again—with an assurance that we’d do at least as well as we did—what efficient and artful users of time we could become!
Unfortunately, we all know it doesn’t work that way. We are forced to use time … in real time. Moses’ prayer, therefore, carries for us the utmost urgency:
So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Ps. 90:12)
UMC’s North Georgia Conference blocks church departures
“The regional body is alleging the spread of ‘defamatory’ misinformation about the UMC and its disaffiliation procedure.” - RNS
Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2022
“From papyrus in Montana to ivory in Jerusalem, these are the discoveries that made scholars of the biblical world say ‘wow’ this year.” - CToday
Director of nation's oldest pro-life org. steps down after 38 years
“Executive Director David N. O’Steen will step down from the position that he has held since 1984 on Saturday. He will continue working with NRLC in an advisory capacity.” - CPost
Just War 101: Why The Big Ox Matters
“The moral philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) involves a merger of at least two apparently disparate traditions: Aristotelian eudaimonism and Christian theology.” - Providence
‘It Has Been a Controversial Year for the SBC’—Barber Reflects on 2022
“Bart Barber provided his Twitter followers with some personal reflections on 2022 in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.” - CLeaders
Despite Ample Evidence, Christian Nationalism Mostly Absent From Final Jan. 6 Report
“the committee’s final report, released late on Thursday (Dec. 22), an 845-page document, mentioned Christian nationalism by name exactly once, and only in passing.” - RNS
Social media: stay or leave?
A pair of articles at TGC:
Why I Left Social Media—and Won’t Go Back Why I’m Staying on Social MediaHealing the lame, bringing sight to the blind? Elon Musk's ambitions for Neuralink raise questions
“Musk announced he expects Neuralink to successfully develop a wireless brain chip and begin human clinical trials on such a device by mid-2023” - CPost
Taking Advantage or Caring?
(First posted in 2011)
Aesop told the tale of the Peasant and the Apple Tree.
False Narratives of Inequality: A Review of “The Myth of American Inequality”
“they raise a pair of problems for the relatively poor caused by the fact that government redistribution currently brings the average income of the lowest fifth of the population to a point only minimally below that of the next fifth.” - Law & Liberty
Salvation: So Much More Than Accepting a Good Offer
“If I had never heard other people talk about ‘accepting Jesus,’ I doubt I would have come up with the phrase on my own. Brides don’t talk about their husbands that way, and I am part of the Bride of Christ!” - Open the Bible
Easy Schedule for Bible-in-a-Year Rookies
“This plan, like other two-track schedules, provides two daily portions taken from different parts of the Bible. That has the effect of spicing things up.” - TGC
Congress protects pro-life policies in spending bill
“Congress included pro-life and conscience protections in a massive omnibus spending bill that gained final approval Friday (Dec. 23).” - BPNews
Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 25)
Read the series.
Looking Deeper into the Problems with Covenant Theology
11. CT interprets the Bible from an anthropocentric rather than a Theocentric point of view.
How churches are changing: 10 likely trends in 2023
“congregations will emphasize evangelism more than at any point in the past three decades. Church leaders understand they can’t lead a church to growth with cultural Christians (a true oxymoron) and transfer growth” - T.Rainer
Why do we love Christmas?
“Once a year, rootless moderns find an anchor in the past” - World
In Britain, There’s More to the Day After Christmas than Boxing Day Sales
“Churches observing St. Stephen’s Day retain the charitable roots of December 26.” - CToday
From the Archives: Christmas from a Shepherd's Perspective
A little more than 2,000 years ago, “When the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law” (Gal. 4:4, NKJV). It was exactly the right time, as predicted by Daniel (cf. 9:25) and confirmed by Jesus (cf. Luke 19:41-44).
It was also the right place—Bethlehem, six miles south of Jerusalem. Seven hundred years earlier, Micah wrote:
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth are from of old,
From everlasting. (Mic. 5:2)
Opening Christmas presents - before or after church?
I figure most people here on SI are planning on attending a church service Christmas morning, so I was curious how people are planning the timing of opening gifts. My children are all grown and live within an hour, so we are having our get-together on Sunday afternoon. One daughter and her 1-year-old son live with me, but the grandchild is too young to anticipate the opening of gifts, so we have no problem making him wait.
Survey: What "Christmas songs" do Americans find most annoying?
“Fifteen percent of Americans felt that the most annoying or overplayed Christmas song was either ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’ (12%) … or any other song by Carey (3%). ‘Jingle Bells’ (6%), ‘Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer’ (5%)” - RNS
Why December 25?
The idea of Christ’s birth being on December 25 doesn’t fit Saturnalia (Dec 17-23) and predates Sol Invictus (AD 274). - P&D
Bookstores Are Making a Comeback
“This week, Barnes & Noble announced plans to open 30 new stores next year…. the move looks to be part of a larger turnaround for booksellers.” - Relevant
Pew: Far more Americans see U.S. influence on the world stage getting weaker than stronger
“The United States is the lone country out of 19 surveyed where a plurality of adults say their country’s influence has been getting weaker recently.” - Pew