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How Our Prayers Reveal Our Theology

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“Christ didn’t tell these two stories [Luke 11:5-8, 18:2] to imply that we need to approach God with the same request repeatedly before he complies.” - Word by Word

Conservative Baptist Network Report Downplays SBC Sex Abuse Crisis, Raises Alarms About CRT, Feminism, LGBTQ+

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“The CBN released its… list of grievances with the SBC on Wednesday, Jan. 18…. the 49-page report was prepared by Klayton A. Carson and ‘a team of researchers from the Conservative Baptist Network.’” - C.Leaders

The Age of Anxiety: Understanding our cultural moment and what comes next

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“there is a more profound theological reason that the Age of Feeling turns to an Age of Anxiety. We are creatures and not the Creator. We were never designed to bear the impossible weight of creating and sustaining our identities.” - World

After Roe, 50th March for Life a turning point for national, state abortion protests

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“There will be a 50th anniversary March for Life on the National Mall on Friday (Jan. 20), with an appearance by evangelist Franklin Graham and other prominent religious figures.” - RNS


Liberty University Students Lead 50th March for Life - CToday Rebuilding Foundations Post-Roe - Breakpoint

The Shortcomings of Extroverted Pastors and How to Overcome Them

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“As an extrovert, I’ve noticed some painful shortcomings in my leadership. Perhaps I’m alone in some of these struggles…. Extroverts can talk too much.” - Sam Rainer

Four Lessons From Four Years (Part 1)

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

I can’t believe it’s already your fifth year!

A statement like that was recently made by a friend—with a sense of amazement—regarding the fact that I have now begun my fifth year as a church ministries representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.

Yes, four years ago at this time I was nervously pondering how to announce to church congregations (many of which already knew me) that I now represented FOI and—the most dreaded issue of all—was in the position of attempting to raise financial support.

Rest Takes Work

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“My planning had gone as far as to block the time off but not as far as to figure out what I would do instead. I freed up a solid 40 hours between 9 and 5, but didn’t put anything in its place.” - Challies

Review: I Have a Psychiatric Diagnosis: What Does the Bible Say?

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“Ed Welch, though, combines the Bible with the appropriately evaluated research and findings of psychology and psychiatry, benefitting both the soul and the body of believers.” - P&D

Church of England Bishops Refuse to Allow Same-Sex Marriages

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“The Church of England said Wednesday it will continue to refuse to allow same-sex couples to marry in its churches, affirming its teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman.” - National Review

Post-Pandemic, the Rise in Intact Families Continues

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“the share of kids living with their parents has actually risen by about 1.5 percentage points…. nothing to sneeze at, especially given what seemed to be an inexorable decline between 1960 and the early 2010s.” - IFS

This year marks the first sanctity of human life day since the overturning of Roe

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“January 13, 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed that January 22 would be the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day. January 22” marks 50 yrs since the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973. - C.Index

Still Fruitful: The Value of Senior Saints

Forrest McPhail ⁃

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.

The average life expectancy for an American in 2011 was 78.7 years.1 By 2020 the life expectancy was 79.5 years.2 This means, of course, that some will pass away before this median life expectancy and others will live longer. Many Americans today can expect to live well into their 80s and 90s. It is not uncommon for many seniors to have 15-20 years or more of retirement life. My father-in-law recently passed on to Christ at 71 years of age. I have had multiple people express to me that he passed away young.

Those Who “Detransition” Are Becoming Impossible to Ignore

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“MacKinnon studied the lives of detransitioners, initially convinced they were a fringe minority whose stories were not significant in understanding the issue. Her research led her to the opposite conclusion.” - Breakpoint

We have lift off again—and wonder

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“We get many things wrong these days, but if your heart does not skip a few beats when watching a giant rocket race into the skies, there is something wrong with you.” - Al Mohler

Trump chides onetime evangelical supporters who haven’t endorsed him

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“ ‘There’s great disloyalty in the world of politics, and that’s a sign of disloyalty,’ Trump said.” - RNS

Podcast: Why did C.S. Lewis think natural law could make us human again?

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“Lewis was also strategic, appealing to natural law to throw into question the subjectivity rampant in his day. His goal was ambitious: the recovery of objective virtue and moral value” - Credo

Barber says sexual abuse hotline worth the cost

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“Barber allowed that the hotline is expensive but countered the high costs by suggesting that it would cost more in the long run if Southern Baptists do nothing to address sexual abuse.” - BPNews

Hard Evidence for a Supernatural Book, Part 2: The Bible’s Claims for Itself

DOlinger ⁃

In my previous post, I noted that anyone who claims that the Bible is God’s Word should be expected to support that extraordinary claim with hard evidence—for the sake of his reputation, certainly, but more importantly for his own integrity; no one should order his life around a falsehood.

In this post I’d like to begin by defining exactly what the statement “The Bible is God’s Word” claims. No sense in proving something that nobody’s advocating. If we’re going to evaluate the claim, we need to know accurately and precisely what it is.

How Should I Dispose of a Bible?

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“… question from a reader: How do you dispose of a worn-out Bible? Is there a protocol, like with a flag?” - TGC

A Christian View Of Medically Assisted Suicide

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“As we enter into the conversation of medically assisted suicide, establishing the foundation of a biblical view on death and suffering is key.” - Kainos

Just War 101: Spurs and Restraints: Overview of jus ad bellum and jus in bello

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“The framework governing just war moral reasoning is traditionally divided into two primary categories…. jus ad bellum, which asks, essentially: when is it right to fight? The second category is the jus in bello: how do you rightly fight that fight that’s right to fight?” - Providence

A Man Wearing a ‘Jesus Saves’ T-Shirt Is Told By Mall Security to ‘Take It off or Leave’

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“In the video, the officer says, “Jesus is associated with religion, and it is offending people. People have been offended… You’re walking wearing that shirt in the form of soliciting” - Relevant

Buffalo Bills team chaplain: Prayer that began after Hamlin’s collapse hasn’t stopped

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“Bills chaplain Len Vanden Bos said he has witnessed a unifying desire for prayer among both players and fans since Hamlin fell to the turf in Cincinnati.” - RNS

It’s 2023 and We Need Blogs More Than Ever

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“blogging allows us to control our own platform. Over the past few years we have come to realize the downsides of doing our writing on platforms owned and controlled by others in what has simply become a new form of ideological gatekeeping.” - Challies

Holy Habits Forming the Will

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“Many of the Puritans believed that habits gave a person the capacity for greater obedience in the future…..’every act of obedience doth increase the ability to obey. Every step reneweth strength.’” - Ref21

Gallup ethics survey: clergy rank below medical professionals, teachers, cops, and accountants

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But clergy beat journalists and members of Congress - Church Answers

CAIR says Hamline University teacher is not Islamophobic

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“The statement, issued as ‘the official position’ of the national organization, counteracts remarks made by its Minnesota chapter’s executive director” - RNS

Federal Judge Tosses Challenge to Christian College Exemptions

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“Judge Aiken’s decision based on strong legal precedent reaffirms the constitutional rights of our institutions to live out their deeply and sincerely held religious beliefs, both in policy and in practice.” - CToday

From the Archives – Is the 1689 Baptist Confession Sufficiently Missional?

Bob Gonzales ⁃

Evangelistic outreach and missions is of prime importance to the church. But neither the Westminster Confession (WCF) nor the Second London Baptist Confession (2LCF) gives much expression or emphasis to the church’s responsibility to take the gospel to all the nations. The chapter “Of the church” (WCF, ch. 25; 2LCF, ch. 26), is an exposition of the nature of the church universal and local, its authority, its institution, its membership, its government, its worship, and its fraternal relations.

Alternative social media: almost half of links are to other social media platforms

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“Some 45% of all links shared by prominent accounts on these sites went to different social media brands, whether to more established sites such as YouTube or Twitter (24%) or to various alternative sites such as BitChute or Gab (21%).” - Pew