“Being a loving, uncompromising, and effective witness calls for courage and wisdom. Here are six suggestions to help you navigate these turbulent waters.” - TGC
Why the Dearth of Young Preachers? (Part 1)
“…it makes sense to direct financial efforts to more than improving facilities or maintaining the general student population of our Christian schools. Increased assistance must be provided for students studying for ministry” - P&D
What to Do When an Idiot Takes Over
“Whether you want to admit it or not, most of us have had an idiot take over the department, studio, team, or project at some point. So what do you do? How do you survive?” - Phil Cooke
Jesus Teaches the Old Testament: The Attempt to Restore A Jewish Roots’ Perspective, Part 2
Read Part 1.
In our day, we can find a plethora of Jewish Roots resources at our fingertips. Even a fresh translation of The Babylonian Talmud on CD1 offers us a wealth of traditional rabbinic teaching right at hand – for a very low price. Older translations are available online for free. There are many free resources online, including one particularly helpful resource: The Jewish Encyclopedia.
He Not Only Gets Us, but Is Better Than Us and Can Save and Transform Us
“As a follower of Jesus for many years, I can attest that his example is inspiring…. I can also tell you that it is impossible to completely follow his example. And as a parent, I can also tell you that living like a child will not lead to kindness, compassion, and love.” - Ben Edwards
Sports Betting Hits a New High: A Crisis in the Making?
“Sports betting saw a 61 percent increase for this year’s Super Bowl compared to last year, with nearly one in four U.S. adults placing a bet. The championship game saw roughly $16 billion in wagers, more than double last year’s estimates.” - Relevant
Law and Just War Tradition: Passing HR 1009
“McNerney describes HR 1009 as a modest resolution; a nonbinding suggestion that Just War tradition help structure future debates over U.S. military interventions by members of the House of Representatives.” - Providence
Luter: ‘Authentic racial unity’ goal of Unify Project
“Luter, SBC president from 2012 to 2014, and fellow co-chair Ed Litton, SBC president in 2021-22, discussed the project during a webcast hosted by the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC).” - BPNews
Average age of people in England, Wales identifying as Christian climbs above 50: census
“Over half of all Welsh age 45 and younger have no religious identity” - CPost
Hard Evidence for a Supernatural Book, Part 4: Naked Emperors
Read the series.
I’ve argued (Part 3) that the Bible is a coherent work of literature. But that’s obviously not true if it contradicts itself. You can find all kinds of collections of supposed biblical contradictions; there’s a well-designed site that lists 140 of them, and the Skeptics Annotated Bible identifies 496.
Must Pastors Report Abuse? Some States Aren’t Clear, But the Bible Is
“As a pediatrician-turned-pastor, I believe reporting suspected child harm is our civic and Christian duty.” - CToday
CBTS MacDonald Lecture Series
Ecclesiastes: Finding Wonder in a Fallen World
The Asbury College Revival?
“Like wildfire, news services across the country have become infatuated with a revival that is occurring on the campus of Asbury College in Kentucky…. you want to know what I think? My answer is ‘I don’t know.’” - P&D
Legislating against drag queen story hour: "If the law won’t protect children’s well-being, why have laws?"
“The rights of adults to free speech and association and the goods of protecting children and public morality are microcosms of the perennial debate of configuring liberty and morality in proper proportion.” - World
Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 28): Summation (2)
Read the series.
In this post I want to share some thoughts about the mindset of CT’s. I do not at all say anything here in disrespect of CT’s. This is only some observations of my own. It is important to go back and read what I have already reported about the deductive nature of CT. You may be helped by my critique of Baptist CT Josh Somner to get some illustration of this.
FBFI Annual Fellowship
(Combined with New Testament Association)
Calvary Baptist Church / Maranatha Baptist University
Watertown, WI 53094
More information: https://fbfi.org/regions-and-fellowships/
DBTS Rice Lecture Series
“Faith in Christ or Faithfulness of Christ?
The Pistis Christou Debate and Pauline Theology”
More information: https://dbts.edu/rice
Small-Town Pastors' Conference (RHMA)
Small Towns, Big Challenges: Hopeful Ministry in a Despairing World
Morton, Illinois
More information: https://www.rhma.org/conferences
IFCA Annual Convention
Springdale, AR
Proclaim • Equip • Defend
More information: https://ifca-international.finalweb2.finalweb.net
CoRE Conference (BJU)
Connect • Renew • Equip
“In the beginning, God created … .” And He created all things perfectly — including man and woman, giving them value, dignity, and the purpose of glorifying Him. Then sin entered the world and damaged God’s image in man, but it did not damage the value of persons made in His image.
Now God’s design for personhood is under assault. Everywhere we see extreme expressions of self-identification and self-worship, such as devaluing unborn children, childhood, gender, sexuality, ethnic differences, the disabled, and the elderly.
Glossary of Online Acronyms
Welcome to the GoOA
AFAIK= as far as I know
KWIM= know what I mean
BTW= by the way
IOW= in other words
IRL= in real life (as opposed to on the Internet!)
FWIW= for what it’s worth
IMO= in my opinion
IMHO= in my humble opinion
LOL= laugh(ing) out loud
NVM= nevermind
OP= opening post or opening poster
ROFL= rolling on the floor laughing
ETA= edited to add
TMI= too much information
OTOH= on the other hand
IFB= independent, fundamental Baptist
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In this century, the term “Fundamentalist” has pretty negative connotations. Some background may be helpful.
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In addition to the fundamentals articulated in the site Doctrinal Statement, the Sharper Iron moderators, admins and most other volunteers hold to these doctrinal distinctives. The list is neither complete nor permanent but will be updated from time to time to clarify the doctrinal views of the site leadership in areas of special importance.