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To Whom Shall We Go? Global South Anglicans Reject Canterbury’s Leadership

SI Filings ⁃

“Conservative Anglicans’ gathering in April comes after the Church of England’s ‘disqualifying’ decision to bless same-sex marriages.” - CToday

Jesus Teaches the Old Testament, Part 3: Midrash as an Echo

Ed Vasicek ⁃

Read the series.

I agree that much of the New Testament text – and especially the gospels – are populated by what Richard Hays describes as “echoes,” meaning echoes of Old Testament passages.

To adjust terms to my own nomenclature, I would like to subdivide these echoes into at least three categories: allusions (allusions that are only allusions and nothing more1), parallels (in concept, occurrence, or foreshadowings), and midrash.

Does the Church Need More Heart Knowledge or More Head Knowledge?

SI Filings ⁃

“The head and the heart should not be pitted against each other. We need both. Bruce Ware says, ‘If you don’t have it in your head, you can’t have it in your heart.’” - Randy Alcorn

Record Attendance at Refresh Conference

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“The conference, now in its eighth year, drew a record number of attendees from four countries, 27 states, and 172 ministries.” - GARBC

The Rise of Plastic Surgery for Under 30

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“American plastic surgeons are reporting a spike in clients under 30 seeking changes or ‘enhancements’ to how they look.” - Breakpoint

So, what about that TGC article on sex?

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“In the end, Butler resigned as a fellow, he was removed from speaking at TGC’s national conference…. TGC pulled the article and the chapter off the website and issued an apology, asking for forgiveness and expressing a desire to listen and learn from its critics.” - World

Biden administration seeks to rescind Trump-era rule about faith on campus

SI Filings ⁃

“The Education Department wants to remove portions of the rule about public student religious organizations at some colleges and universities that call for the department to enforce grant conditions related to adherence to First Amendment principles by those groups if they receive a grant from the department or a state-related program.” - RNS

Beth Moore: When I Was a Stranger in the SBC, Anglicans Welcomed Me

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“Keith… knew just where we were at all times in the order of service. A few minutes in, he reached down and lowered the kneeling bench like he’d built it.” - Beth Moore

Back to the Fundamentalist/Conservative Evangelical Issue

Ed Vasicek ⁃

Terms are words. Words can create a certain atmosphere, and that is certainly true with labels like “fundamentalist” or “evangelical.”

Of course these terms can be modified “neo-fundamentalist, neo-evangelical.” If we polled about all possible descriptors, it would be too much.

So please approximate the terminology nearest to where you are when it comes to using the term “fundamentalist” and “conservative evangelical.”

We have had many such polls and discussions in the past, so this is an attempt to monitor trends in terminology.

But as far as comments go, please indicate your preferred descriptor. Mine is “Bible-oriented Christian.”

A Biblical Take on Tithing You Will Never Hear at Church

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“The vast majority of Christians only have a traditional understanding of tithing but have no idea what the Bible has to say about the topic.” - Jason Rambeck

One Reason Personal Evangelism’s More Difficult These Days

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“it’s increasingly difficult to talk to anyone when everybody is wearing headphones or ear pods…We communicate via texts—and even then often without complete words. In fact, we speak with emojis quite often” - Chuck Lawless

Cedarville’s Agreement with GARBC Offers 15% Discount on Graduate Programs

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“Cedarville University and the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches have entered into an agreement that will provide financial assistance to GARBC church members and employees interested in pursuing an online graduate degree” - GARBC

Why Do People, Even Christians, Relapse After Years of Sobriety?

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“His life spiraled out of control and he ended up worse than he was before he was saved. This failure completely disillusioned a daughter who saw her hero turn into a completely different person.” - P&D

Reflections on the Executive Committee Controversy

SI Filings ⁃

“Does anyone else find it odd that many people will come to the defense of anyone who is accused of abuse, telling us to go slow, to be careful, not to ruin good men, etc, but will bring out the pitchforks and fiery torches when someone allows a woman to share a word in the pulpit?” - SBC Voices

Away with the Training Wheels

TylerR ⁃

Training wheels are good … for a little while. I remember learning to ride a bike and being very grateful those training wheels would stop me from falling! I also remember the day my father removed the training wheels and the time came for me to ride a bike without them. They were temporary. They served their purpose, but now it was time to be done with them. So, I fell down a lot—but I learned to ride the bike.

What is Foundations Baptist Fellowship International?

Craig Toliver ⁃

What is Foundations Baptist Fellowship International?


Pew: Mental health and the pandemic: What U.S. surveys have found

SI Filings ⁃

“Three years later, Americans have largely returned to normal activities, but challenges with mental health remain.” - Pew

Look Up — Unraveling the Mysteries of the Bible

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry will present its annual Look Up virtual Bible prophecy conference next weekend — Friday and Saturday, March 10 and 11.

The theme this year is “Unraveling the Mysteries of the Bible,” and it deals with a number of questions related to eschatology.

The conference is free for all to participate and will remain available to rewatch until March 24. Registration is required at lookupfoi.org.

This online event is especially significant for me, because it is the first time I have been involved in Look Up — or in any speaking opportunity of this magnitude.

Lenten Hymns from Isaac Watts

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“The season of anticipation begins with the Ash Wednesday proclamation, ‘Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.’ In a world desperate to avoid reminders of mortality, nothing could sound stranger.” - Breakpoint

The Legacy of the Jesus Revolution

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“Rather than seeing this film as something akin to the story of a third great awakening, it is better understood as a depiction of the origins of Smith’s Calvary Chapel movement, a national association of evangelical churches… a Bible college, and a network of Christian radio stations.” - Current

“...while earlier predictions of the end of theologically conservative Christianity were not entirely right, they were not altogether wrong either”

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“If history is any guide, we can expect the current predictions—that fewer than half of Americans will identify as Christians—to contain an element of truth. But it probably won’t play out exactly as many people anticipate.” - CToday

The Conservative and Christian Resistance to Hitler

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“Nazism is often depicted as some kind of extreme “conservatism” when, as history shows, it was essentially radical and destructive of traditional freedoms and faith.” - Acton

Help! I Work for a Pastor with Low Emotional Intelligence

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“I couldn’t see past his arrogance, his constant need for praise, or his severe lack of empathy. Worst of all, I stopped seeing him as my brother in the body of Christ.” - TGC

ChatGPT, Consciousness, and the Human Mind

SI Filings ⁃

“So far, what it has produced ranges from the impressive to the hilarious. It is also forcing a series of existential crises. For example, teachers are scrambling to discern the work of their students from the work of compelling AI counterfeits.” - Breakpoint

Church planting

Doug Flynn ⁃

What suggestions, considerations, or resources would you recommend paying attention to in regard to methodology for a new church plant that maintains the health of the "base" church?

After Pushing for UMC Unity, Former Bishop Joins New Denomination

SI Filings ⁃

“It didn’t work, he said, because some church leaders and regional conferences have taken action to oppose the denomination’s official stance barring LGBT members from ordination and marriage.” - CToday

Related: Bishop Scott Jones moves from ‘extreme center’ of UMC to new Global Methodist Church - RNS

Young earth creationist attractions take top honors again in USA Today polling

SI Filings ⁃

“Readers of USA Today once against voted the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum as the No. 1 and No. 2 religious museums in the nation.” - BGN

Attention Fox News: The truth will set you free

SI Filings ⁃

“Despite evidence never being produced to vindicate the claim of a stolen election, we now know that popular hosts on FOX News knowingly let unsubstantiated claims go unchallenged by guests, despite private messages that expressed their doubts about the election being stolen.” - World

Surviving the Critical Mass

C. D. Cauthorne Jr. ⁃

Sucking on a cigar and casting his fishing line into the pond, my New Age cousin informed me that Critical Mass was going to happen in the year 2000. When I asked what he meant, he explained that the forces of good (as he defined them) were finally going to outnumber and overcome the forces of evil.

The Critical Mass that he predicted did occur … only 20 years later. While law-abiding citizens remained quarantined in their houses, chaos erupted on the streets of America. As monuments and morality fell, the influence and philosophies of the Greatest Generation and their Boomer kids were finally outnumbered and overwhelmed by the X, Y, and Z Generations.